So if Iran did stop their weapons program in 2003 then the War in Iraq
worked, right?
Funny how the same guy, Fingar, testified a few months ago they were
still making nukes.

Did any of you believe the NIE about yellowcake in Niger?

In the current NIE, did they say Iran was not a threat? Iran has no
interest in making nuclear weapons? That all that nuclear fuel they're
making is only for power plants?

Iran claims they never tried to make made nuclear weapons yet this
says they stopped in 2003. I'd be nervous about trusting them.

So now no sanctions against peaceful Iran, let them refine all the
uranium they want, for peaceful purposes only of course. They would
never use it for weapons, not since they became nice in 2003.

On Dec 6, 2007 8:01 AM, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Todd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 7:02 AM
> > To: CF-Community
> > Subject: Re: Bush on Iran,ignoring intelligence that doesn't fit his
> > world view. Again.
> >
> > Why do you hate freedom and our God given right to bomb the crap out of
> > whoever we want, Gel?
> Yeah... I just don't see how people can't understand this.
> If we decide to bomb Iran then clearly they MUST deserve it.  We don't bomb
> people that don't deserve it!
> It's simple logic: good people don't get bombed.
> Well... unless they're bombed by terrorists.  Or bad countries.  Or by
> accident.
> But clearly none of that applies this case.
> Jim Davis

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