sorry i got my numbers wrong

from an article
"So what's our projection for Apple's holiday season? I'll be publishing a 
detailed analysis in the September Analyzing Apple report (some previous 
reports are here), but I expect Apple to significantly exceed last year's 21 
million iPods sold, and I also expect the average iPod selling price to rise. "

so this should cover your "Anyway, they would have to hit these numbers (12 
million sold...which" mark.

then add some iphone to that.. this prediction going off of current sales would 
add another 3 million iphones to that for xmas

" One million iPhones sold, expect millions more for the holidays

the steady state of iPhone sales is about 10,000 a day, or 300,000 a month. 
Expect that number to ramp up to double that for the next three months based 
upon the holiday selling season and the new lower price. That means about 3 
million iPhones sold by the end of the year, which any way you look at it, is a 
pretty impressive debut in Apple's new line of business. "

So if say they hit 25 million iphone & ipods, that doubles your estimate of 
what it would take for the iphone os to go past linux. And since the ipod and 
iphone use same browser and os both the iphone and ipod touch will count for 
that and that makes it apply to this thread.

> > How long do you think until it gets there.. another month or 2? 
> Gets where? Past Linux? Certainly longer than a month or two. I would 
> expect most people that really wanted an iPhone already bought one. 
> Future growth will certainly be at a slower pace. 
> > How long has windows ce been around... and yet in a few short months 
> > the iphone has obliterated it in browser shares.
> Huh? No one uses CE devices anymore (well, virtually no one, seems 
> there are at least some holdouts). That link does not seem to show all 
> mobile platforms (Palm OS being conspicuously absent for instance) and 
> I wouldn't know whether Windows ME is really the "ME" OS or is the 
> Windows Mobile Edition that most PPC devices these days run. But I 
> find it pretty unlikely that there are more iPhones in use than PPC 
> devices. 
> >Well it gets 3g next year and personally i dont think it's as big a 
> deal as most >people make it out to be since most people are usually 
> within wifi distance. 
> I don't know about "most people" always being near wifi...but this 
> certainly has had a big impact on its sales overseas which have been 
> very poor so far (compared to the US). Just as big a deal is that it 
> doesn't yet (to my knowledge) support things like Direct Push for 
> Exchange, very important to business users, a very large market for 
> smartphones.
> > Say if there have been 2 million iphones sold 
> > already and their is that kind of share, imagine what will happen 
> > after xmas when another million or 2 iphones sell and 5-10 million 
> > ipod touches.
> You're dreaming if you think Apple is going to sell as many iphones 
> over Christmas as they have all year. People do not tend to buy 
> high-end, expensive phones with required data plans for gifts. 
> Particularly when we already are hearing about the next version having 
> improved features. 
> Anyway, they would have to hit these numbers (12 million sold...which 
> seem pretty high to me for such expensive devices, in a market that is 
> already fairly saturated) in order to catch up to the Linux market 
> share number (of course, who knows how accurate these are anyway).

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