well there is some things different on the mac hardware side, like intel chips. 
If apple really took hold of gaming I could really see a lot of switchers.
Personally, I don't think they are too expensive, i dont think there is a pc 
notebook on the face of the earth I would trade my mbp for.

anyways, enough on that....

I like the opera browser, i really dont use it but I do like it and if that was 
my choice on a phone I would use it. The biggest issues I had with it before i 
got an iphone was that cruising the web on it really wasnt very good. While 
surfing on iphone isnt as good as my laptop it certainly is better by far that 
any other phone I have seen, owned or used.

I agree with the safari part. But people need to give them some time to get 
used to and learn in this market, hell they only been in it a few months. And 
really the whole market is going to change completely. Apple came in and 
changed everything and now everyone is scrambling but the good thing is that 
the push has been done and now will will get better devices faster.

The cell phone industry has stayed pretty boring and uninventive for years now, 
innovations were few and far inbetween and whether or not you like Apple the 
thing you gotta admire is that they keep pushing things forward as a pretty 
good pace and should help all the cell phone makers to do better.

back to the actual thread:

So to answer his question.... The main mobile browser platforms too be 
concerned with are apple and opera?

You don't really have to do much too get a site ready for iphone/ipod touch 
browser, you can add:
<meta name="viewport" content="width = 320" />

and mess around with the width until you get it how you want it and thats it.

>The Mac is growing now because of a huge marketing effort, and because
>of Microsoft's failures with Vista.
>Not because the hardware has improved or is anything different.
>It's still the same eyecatching ,sleek design and OS in an
>expensive,proprietary package.
>I think that Opera Mobile is far more relevant to ,and has had a
>bigger impact on, the mobile browser market than Apple's iPhone is.
>With Opera Mobile just about any cell phone can now properly browse
>websites without them having to be WAP compliant.
>If apple started providing iPhone Safari for every other cellphone out
>there, then it may become more relevant to the mobile browser market.
>As of now, and for the forseeable future, it is a niche. 

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