> Vivec wrote: > He also shot down my suggestion of buying those protein shake things > and power bars... > without actually going to a gym. >
A high carb/high fat diet, especially if the fats are trans-fats, will put fat on you but it'll also give you heart disease. Your friend is right, protein will do you no good to build muscle unless your body has a reason to do so and the gym or just bodyweight exercise at home is a great way to tell your body to grow. Cardio excercise, btw, won't give your body reason to grow. You need things like push-ups, pull-ups, and deep knee bends. A good rule of thumb is if you can do more than 15 reps of those exercises on your 6th set you needs weights. You can follow along with another hardgainer as he's coached by professionals here: http://www.t-nation.com/physClinViewAll.jsp?s=readTopic Read the USCTrojan619 blog at the bottom. For you guys looking to lose fat, follow the Bartl blog. He's already lost 27 lbs on their advice! For you ladies they have the same type of physique clinic going on here: http://www.musclewithattitude.com/physClinViewAll.jsp?s=index ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;160198600;22374440;w Archive: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Community/message.cfm/messageid:250896 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Community/subscribe.cfm Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/unsubscribe.cfm?user=89.70.5