And we're back.

Where'd you go there ol' buddy?

Find your happy place?

CyberAngel wrote:
> Actually don't need to Adam....
> All I have to do is make sure it is thread safe, it is more of a plugin
> rather than a full blown application. To be more correct it is actually a
> ..Net class that I wrote, it worked in CF and I just wanted to make sure it
> worked in
> It will be up to everyone who uses it to make sure of that... The class has
> a specific function, and it just needs to be thread safe.
> But for everyone else, it is a good point to take into consideration.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Churvis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, 24 April 2008 1:28 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: The BlueDragon Story
>> The application I am working on is and has .Net integration, I had
>> tested it
>> with Coldfusion 8 and wanted to test it with BD.Net. Just to make sure
>> that
>> it works on both software:-)
> Whatever you do, make sure to test them both under a true load.  
> I think you'll find BlueDragon.NET will hold up infinitely better than CF8
> because of the underlying architectural differences.
> Respectfully,
> Adam Phillip Churvis 
> President
> Productivity Enhancement

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