>My take.
>We need to end the practice of anchor babies.

Why? Shouldn't these children have the same rights and privileges as others who 
have been born in the US? They had no say on their parents why punish them for 
their effrontery for having non-US citizens.

Or are you advocating a selective citizenship. Because the child had the bad 
taste to have non-Americans for parents they are not citizens? What next, they 
speak a certain language and accordingly are not citizens. How about getting 
Originalist on them make them only 2/3rd's of a citizen, much like the original 
constitution treated blacks. 

>There should be 3 ways to become a citizen of the US.
>1.  You are born to an American parent.  Father or mother, makes no 
>difference to me, don't care where you were born, one parent must have 
>been a US citizen.

What about if you were born in the US to legal permanent residents - i.e., 
green card holders. Would they be citizens or not? Or would that depend on 
their race, nationality or ethnic backgrounds. 

>2.  You go through the legal immigration channels, live here for 7 years 
>or whatever, and give up any and all former nations completely.

Why? What about all those people who have dual citizenships, such as US and 
Israeli citizenship. Are they no longer American citizens?

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