Answers inline Larry Lyons wrote: > Why? Shouldn't these children have the same rights and privileges as others > who have been born in the US? They had no say on their parents why punish > them for their effrontery for having non-US citizens. > > Or are you advocating a selective citizenship. Because the child had the bad > taste to have non-Americans for parents they are not citizens? What next, > they speak a certain language and accordingly are not citizens. How about > getting Originalist on them make them only 2/3rd's of a citizen, much like > the original constitution treated blacks.
You know I advocate selective citizenship. > What about if you were born in the US to legal permanent residents - i.e., > green card holders. Would they be citizens or not? Or would that depend on > their race, nationality or ethnic backgrounds. When and if the parents become citizens so do they. > Why? What about all those people who have dual citizenships, such as US and > Israeli citizenship. Are they no longer American citizens? I don't like it and have seen the problems it can cause first hand. I had a PL in the 82nd that was US/Israeli. We deployed to Sinai as part of MFO, and he couldn't do any border operations, and had to stay away from the Egyptians. Not ok. To be honest, I would like to see us follow the constitution directly as written. That would of course include amendments. BTW, why bring race into this? I know Russian and Irish illegals. I don't think their children should be given citizenship either. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;192386516;25150098;k Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: