I can't believe I'm going to actually bite on this one...

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 2:30 PM, sam morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> http://www.americanthinker.com/2007/09/the_judeochristian_values_of_a.html
> We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
> that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
> among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
> -Declaration of Independence

"Creator" is a fairly oblique, non-specific, and non-Judeo-Christian term.
It is, in point of context with the Foynding Fathers, a Deist term. If the
Declaration of Independence were meant to be a Christian or Judeo-Christian
document, it would have said God; probably would have even said God, the
Father, or something similar.

> Our Founding Fathers separated church from state, but they wisely did not
> separate God from state; they acknowledged God as the source of our rights,
> and, in fact, they were careful to place Biblical morality directly into our
> founding documents and laws, and into our values and culture precisely to
> help prevent a future of totalitarian or tyrannical rule in America.  The
> combination of keeping Judeo-Christian religious morality in the state, as
> opposed to the church it's self; and, additionally, setting up our laws
> based on reason and common sense has contributed to the American Character,
> and to what is known as "American Exceptionalism."
This "Biblical Morality" is wholly and truly not "Biblical" at all, save
that the common sense it serves appears in that book--it appears elsewhere
in history, as well.

> In Judeo-Christian America one finds the idea of equality before God and
> the law, but not government forced economic equality.   Modern European
> culture has stressed the value of economic equality rather than Liberty, and
> their governments unjustly enforce the principle.  This has led to the
> failed European inventions of Socialism and Communism.  Socialists in
> America have been lured into this failed European idea of social justice.
>  Socialism is a failure in that it unjustly suppresses human creativity by
> excessively taxing away its rewards, and by foolishly giving economic reward
> to many who, even though mentally and physically able, fail to honor their
> Divine privilege and duty to work creatively.
The ideal of Socialism is very far removed from the actualized trials around
the world; it fails because it relies too heavily on human beings to give of
themselves, and the human animal is far too greedy and opportunistic.

> America is a melting pot of diverse people including Christians, Jews,
> Muslims, Buddhists and Atheists; and from the Judeo-Christian perspective,
> all are made in God's image.  We have in America a multiethnic society, and
> that is good.  What would be unhealthy for America would be for it to become
> Balkanized, something likely to happen with the atrophy of Judeo-Christian
> American Culture and Values.  Worse yet would be for America to adopt the
> toxic values which exist in some parts of the world and which are endemic in
> some foreign cultures.  The values of Fascism, Nazism, Communism or
> Totalitarian Islamic Sharia Law for example must never metastasize into our
> American Culture, rooted in Judeo-Christian values.  These values have been
> with us from the beginning and they have made us strong and successful.
>  These Judeo- Christian Values should be kept central to the American Spirit
> and Culture even as we have become more multi-ethnic.

Again, this perceived Judeo-Christian value system is borrowed from other
history as well, and does not make the foundation of this Nation Christian
by any means.

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