Canadian Health Care We So Envy Lies In Ruins, Its Architect Admits

What would drive a man like Castonguay to reconsider his long-held beliefs? Try 
a health care system so overburdened that hundreds of thousands in need of 
medical attention wait for care, any care; a system where people in towns like 
Norwalk, Ontario, participate in lotteries to win appointments with the local 
family doctor.

> BTW here's an interesting New England Journal of Medicine on the costs 
> of Health Care administration between the US and Canada:
> to quote from the summary:
> In 1999, health administration costs totaled at least $294.3 billion 
> in the United States, or $1,059 per capita, as compared with $307 per 
> capita in Canada. After exclusions, administration accounted for 31.0 
> percent of health care expenditures in the United States and 16.7 
> percent of health care expenditures in Canada. Canada’s national 
> health insurance program had overhead of 1.3 percent; the overhead 
> among Canada’s private insurers was higher than that in the United 
> States (13.2 percent vs. 11.7 percent). Providers’ administrative 
> costs were far lower in Canada.
> Between 1969 and 1999, the share of the U.S. health care labor force 
> accounted for
> by administrative workers grew from 18.2 percent to 27.3 percent. In 
> Canada, it grew
> from 16.0 percent in 1971 to 19.1 percent in 1996. (Both nations’ 
> figures exclude insurance-industry personnel.)

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