Personally I feel that Bremer is at fault for the years following the 
initial invasion.

Like you mentioned, closing the civil service, the debaathification 
program, and disbanding the military and police were about the worst 
decisions that could have been made.

Robert Munn wrote:
> Interesting point. Did anyone see the Frontline show on the war that just
> aired? I saw a big chunk of it last week, very interesting.
> The most damning thing they said about the war, IMHO, was that Jerry Bremer
> was a little Napolean who was running Iraq as a pro-consul. Hell, he would
> not even listen to Colin Powell or Condi Rice. When they told him he was
> fired, he insisted on hearing it directly from the President. What an
> a-hole.
> Bremer is the guy who came up with De-Baathification- apparently all on his
> own. He didn't even run the plan by his superiors, he just announced it at a
> press conference. The following week is when the insurgency started in
> earnest. Bremer's idiocy and refusal to listen to the generals who were
> advising him cost us about four years and several thousand dead.
> At one point they put Sanchez in charge - a guy who had never been in combat
> command and had never led more than one division. Holy inexperience, Batman!
> Finally they put Petraeus in charge, and things have been improving ever
> since.
> On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 11:22 AM, Bruce wrote:
>> I am not BS'ing. Yes Gen Franks was in charge of the initial invasion,
>> but then the politicians started taking over, deciding who is going to
>> be the interim government until the Iraqi government was elected. Read
>> his book called American Soldier. Politicians ran a lot of the war until
>> someone had the bright idea of allowing Gen Petraeus run things, and at
>> that point things started to improve, starting with the surge. Hopefully
>> the generals will continue to be allowed to run things on the ground.
>> Time will tell.

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