Personally, I think there certainly is a bit of a scam.... the price seems
to jump at a whim.

A problem at the moment is that there are few alternatives available VS oil
based products.

But, as personal behaviors change and the voice of the "marketplace" seeks
out alternatives (like say solar powered hybrids, wind power....etc... ) the
providers will show up...

Problem with most energy based industries is that they've never focused on
creating "best working" or "more efficient" products... the auto industry is
a great example. Geo Metros were super efficient in their time... since
then, the big auto makers slide down in efficiency even though the
technology was getting better.... a continued innovative approach at energy
efficient products would only have improved and lessend gas consumption. Now
they're scrambling because the demand of the market is changing.

I have a small home I'm renovating.. and although I have a new oil furnace
in it.... I'm going to try and find another way to add supplement heat.

It's my intention to eventually get away from oil. As much as possible...
and get into a more environmentaly+energy efficient lifestyle.....

My 2 cents..


On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 10:56 AM, G Money <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 8:43 AM, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Remember that's the price of oil at the well head, from what I remember
> it
> > takes a couple of months or more for the oil to go from the wellhead to
> the
> > terminals then to the refinery. Finally after all that its sent to the
> > pumps.
> Then why does the price at the pump jump IMMEDIATELY?
> > The price of gasoline is pissing you off, change your behavior. Stop
> > driving that gas guzzler of an SUV or car. Get something like a Geo
> Metro.
> > Walk more. Get some solar-electric panels installed on your roof.
> Reinsulate
> > your house etc. In other words significantly reduce your energy
> footprint.
> I've done all those things...but why should I then sit back and feel better
> about the scam? The fact remains that no matter how much I change my
> lifestyle, I'm STILL going to have to purchase oil-based products. Since my
> lowered demand has little or no affect on their prices, I'm still paying
> ridiculous prices for what little of the commodity I still need to
> purchase.
> Your saying I should just accept that and let the monopolies continue???
> A scam only works when both parties agree to it. Stop thinking you'll get
> > something for nothing.
> As a country, we've already lowered our consumption...and it had ZERO
> affect. I don't think we are willing participants in this scam any longer.
> --
> He tells me believe in Jesus
> Steals the money from my hands

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