The whole "carbon footprint" thing is more about not dumping more pollution and crap into the rivers, streams and atmosphere than saving energy, any energy savings is a by product of it.
We're very dependant on foreign oil, that foreign oil lives in places that aren't terribly friendly to the US, this oil *will* run out, sooner than later. If we don't have alternatives we're screwed. I'd love to put solar panels on my house (and will when we can afford it) just to tell the local electrical power company to go fuck themselves. -------------- Original message from "Billy Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: -------------- > Considering that most power plants don't burn oil, I'm wondering how > reducing my use of electricity/natural gas is going to have any effect on > gasoline prices. > > > Get some solar-electric panels installed on your > > roof. Reinsulate your house etc. In other words significantly reduce > > your energy footprint. > > The whole energy footprint thing is just a feel-good marketing fiction. > > People lived very frugally during the Great Depression because they had to. > As soon as economic conditions improved, most people became conspicuous > consumers. I don't think we've reached a tipping point on gasoline prices > yet, but the signs are there. > > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;203748912;27390454;j Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: