Awesome argument. You always lay out your views well.

On 7/24/08, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Larry Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 8:24 AM
> > To: CF-Community
> > Subject: Re: McCain admits to being a technological illiterate
> >
> > >Crap or not, the rating is quoted all over the place, from MSM to
> > >fringe blogs. What burns your ass is that it sticks because it's true.
> > >
> >
> > So let me get this straight, you admit that the ranking is pure BS and
> > largely fictional, yet you still follow it. Tell me you still think
> > that the world is flat and that the sun revolves around the earth?
> No - he's clearly saying that even if it was a bald-faced lie, enough
> people
> have now said it.  Which makes it true.  Because anything that's repeated
> enough must have some value.
> Essentially it's the same complex lie being using by the anti-evolutionists
> and the anti-vaccinationists:
> 1) Create and then publicize an outlandish statement.
> 2) With that statement create a political and/or social controversy where
> none existed.
> 3) Claim that the existence of the political and/or social controversy
> proves that the claim should be taken seriously factually or
> scientifically.
> 4) When the claim is ignored factually or scientifically (you know, because
> it's a lie) claim that some entrenched establishment is "suppressing the
> truth" (usually for some tenuously-linked monetary gain).  I don't believe
> that we've made it here with the lie about Obama's voting record.
> It's a self-fulfillment fallacy: There must be truth in this controversy
> we've invented because there's a controversy.  Really just a complex, more
> directly devious version of the Argument from Consensus, the "Bandwagon"
> fallacy.
> The fallacy considers truth a product of democratic processes.  If enough
> people say it, it must have merit... so all you have to do to GIVE
> something
> merit is get it said a lot.  Of course that's clearly insane thinking but
> it's a technique made art by the Republican campaign machines in recent
> years.
> Jim Davis

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