A religious right woman with a pregnant 17 year old.


To the person who commented on Sarah's hair - no, it's what happens when one 
has hair extensions - which Sarah, at one time, don't know about now, had.

Re: babygate - I don't know what's being reported. Here, however, is the 
truth. Trig is Sarah and Todd's baby.

When Sarah first learned she was pregnant, it was shocking and overwhelming. 
While she and Todd had not planned to have anymore children, it is common 
knowledge among their family and friends that neither of them ever 
surgically insured that they wouldn't have any "late in life" 

This, to me, showed a disturbing lack of judgement. If you want to ask the 
citizens of a state to let you run the state for four years, to me she and 
Todd should have thought ahead and determined that the possibility of an 
unplanned pregnancy wouldn't have been prudent for either the child, their 
family, their extended family (who are the ones who end up helping them 
raise their current four children) or the citizens of the state.

They either didn't think this through, or didn't care. Not sure. But, either 
way, to me and to others, it was a lack of foresight and judgement.

But it is the same vein - this lack of judgement - Sarah showed, on the 
campaign trail for governor, when asked who would raise her children should 
she win, she promptly stated that Todd would quit his job and stay at home 
with the kids (Todd works a "Slope" week on/week off schedule).

Sarah was elected and then - whoops. Todd didn't like the stay at home gig - 
so Sarah, citing they needed money for the kid's college (even though Track 
enlisted in the military) said Todd was returning to work. When asked about 
her statements on the campaign trail about how Todd would quit his job, 
Sarah said she'd actually never talked to him about what they would do if 
she was elected (in terms of his employment) and that she'd spoken out of 
turn when she spoke for him stating he'd quit his job.

Again, call me picky, but this is the kind of bizarre judgement Sarah 
routinely displays. Are you kidding me that she would run for governor and 
she and her husband would somehow not think to have a conversation about 
what to do with their four school aged kids? That's insane. So, either her 
judgement is super goofy, or she wasn't telling the truth. Either way, it's 
not reassuring to now think this is someone who would be one 72 year old 
heartbeat away from having to call shots for the country/world.

So Todd trots himself back to work and Sarah is busy traipsing around the 
state and the nation. The kids are "farmed out" (this is the word used by 
thier associates in "the Valley") to family and friends to raise while Todd 
and Sarah are off having their respective careers (Sarah is famously quoted 
as saying, "My mom does whatever I need her to").

During this period is when Bristol, Sarah's sixteen year old daughter, turns 
up pregnant. So, it's kind of interesting to note that the Republican Vice 
Presidential Nominee and her sixteen year old junior in high school unwed 
daughter were carrying babies at the same time. Once Bristol's condition 
became more obvious this summer, she was whisked out of sight and hasn't 
been seen in public until yesterday in Ohio. This is why Trig's blanket was 
strung across her entire abdomen and torso, but, when she walked down the 
stairs from the stage, in a profile shot, it was very clear to see she is 
well into her third trimester of her pregnancy.

It has come out in the past couple of days that she and her high school 
boyfriend had a quickie wedding and that she is home schooling her senior 

The Anchorage Daily News has known about this for months - and haven't 
touched the story. But I can't imagine the national press or the Democratic 
Party will be as willing to turn a blind eye.

For me, once again it speaks to judgement. We all - every single one of us - 
even Sarah's closest friends in the Valley (I know, I've been speaking to 
them) know she is in no way qualified for this position. At all.

But then, why would she accept the nomination, knowing that Bristol's 
situation will come to light and knowing her hunger for national and 
international acclaim and attention will carry with it a mighty high price 
for her seventeen year old daughter who had absent parents last year and who 
turned up pregnant.

How embarrassing will it be for Bristol once the news (or the baby) comes 
out and not just the Valley, not just Alaska, not just the USA - but Bristol 
will be known the world over as the seventeen year old unwed - then quickly 
wed senior-in-high-school-homeschooled-teenage mom and daughter to the 
Republican Vice Presidential Nominee?

How hard will that degree of scrutiny and shame be?

How does one do that to one's daughter?

How does one dash about the country for the next 66 days trying to pull off 
an image of the devoted mother of five when she, by and large, isn't the one 
raising them and when one of them - her daughter, is in a truly vulnerable 
point in life; not to say anything about the needs of Trig. But maybe he 
doesn't count, except as a talking point or a photo prop. But this is a 
person, a little boy who is going to require a tremendous amount of time and 
attention. From his mother.

This is okay?"

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