On 9/3/08, G Money <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Here's just some: > > Tax: > > - Cut taxes for middle and lower income families. Eliminate income taxes for > approx 10 million, raise taxes on higher income households. > - Make permanent child tax redits and tax cuts for lower and middle income. > Raise taxes on incomes over $250K. Rates to return to pre-2001 levels. > - Refundable 4000K tax credit for college ed. > - Increase capital gains to between 20% and 28%. Raise taxes on dividends. > - Tax credit to companies taht maintain or increase US based jobs relative > to overseas. > - Windfalls tax for oil companies (not sure how that would work)
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122039919493892941.html?mod=opinion_main_commentaries Mr. Obama has proposed a massive tax increase on investors, business owners, and the "wealthy." At a time when the American people rate the economy as the central issue of the campaign, a tax hike doesn't make a lot of political sense. Voters know that a tax hike won't help the economy. Moreover, Mr. Obama's tax plans would directly or indirectly harm U.S. investors by raising the capital gains and dividend taxes. More than half of U.S. households are equity owners, so Mr. Obama's proposal risks alienating half the population. Mr. Obama claims to offer a tax cut to moderate-income families, but a significant portion of Mr. Obama's tax plan is a welfare giveaway costing more than $648 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center. How so? He would authorize a hodgepodge of refundable tax credits covering everything from education, mortgage payments, child care and other items for people who do not pay income taxes now. About 38% of U.S. households pay no income tax today. Under a President Obama (whose policies would shave 15.3 million households off the tax rolls) that share would grow to nearly half of all American households. We have been repeatedly told that everyone should pay their fair share. So this sounds grossly unfair and like a return of tax-and-spend liberal economics. No wonder there is a lot of doubt about the wisdom of the junior senator from Illinois. > Trade: > > - A critic of NAFTA. Wants to renegotiate. (doubtful) > - Expand Trade Adjustment Assistance for domestic workers. Very little here > Energy: > > - Against offshore drilling, but recently hedged his position. > - Against nuclear power plant development (which sucks) > - Require utilities to generate 25% of electricity from renewable resources > by 2025. Corn. Wind? That's going to force utilities to find an energy solution. That's going to cast me a bundle. > - Tax credits to employers that subsidize employees' mass transit. Is that even worth mentioning? > Don't feel like listing the rest.....I got to get back to work...... I can see why :) > Some of these I agree with, some I don't....the big one? > > Get the hell out of Iraq. Iraq is nearly done. You need another theme. Are you that eager to send troops to Afghanistan? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;203748912;27390454;j Archive: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Community/message.cfm/messageid:267740 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Community/subscribe.cfm Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/unsubscribe.cfm?user=89.70.5