Tim, you know I respect you, so please keep this in mind while you read my
reply, which is offered as a reflection on (and possible perspective of) the
foundation upon which you've made your decision.

> 1.  Palin is a gun owner, a hunter, a life member of the NRA.

I'm also a member of the NRA, but so are many of the worst people with whom
you would not want to cross paths.  Over the years, the NRA has turned a
little sour as a political lobbying force.  Bush, Sr. revoked his lifetime
membership after the "Jackbooted Thugs" ad they ran during his term.

> 2.  As Mayor she cut her own salary and cut property taxes by 60%.

Both were artificially inflated when she took office.  To her credit, she
burst that bubble, but it was an obvious bubble to break -- especially since
it was one of the promises on which she ran for office.

> 3.  While I am pro-choice I really admire the fact that she carried to
> term her latest son knowing he had issues.

I will bet my bottom dollar on this: she's lying.  It's her daughter's baby,
not hers, and it suffers from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which is a disease
caused by irresponsible mothers, not Downs Syndrome, which is an innocent
disease for which you can't blame anyone.  This is the extent to which she
will lie about something relatively unimportant.  What will she do to cover
up something of substance to the American people?

> 4.  She is a true outsider.  

You don't want an inexperienced person at the helm of the most powerful
position on the entire planet (well, at least for now).  You need someone
with the ability to do seemingly happy business with another person whom
they know is corrupt to the core -- if that person can do them some measure
of good.

> She came to power in AK by nailing corrupt republicans in her state, these
were members of her own party.

Low-hanging fruit.  Easy pickings.  Wasn't very hard to do, though I'll
grant her the will to do it.

Just please consider these arguments while making up your mind.


Adam Phillip Churvis 
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