What do you find appealing about the McCain ticket? I'm curious.
Personally, if it's about the lesser evil, let me pro-offer my own personal "evils" about the Republican platform: Offshore drilling -- putting more holes in the ground will not solve our energy problems. The environment, and having undeveloped land for "the children" (and my own sorry ass) is really important to me. Has something to do with "Desert Solitaire". :-) The republicans are really pushing for more drilling. They push through lower EPA standards, using arguments like, it's too expensive to retro-fit our factories. Meanwhile, we're building nice new factories for people in far away lands, that will (hopefully) eventually be competing with us, because it's a "good cause", or an "investment in the future". This ain't strictly a republican deal, but they seem to be pushing it the hardest. Religion in the government -- I don't really like legislated morality. I believe that the Republican party has always leaned a little towards Christianity, but lately it seems like they've gone over the deep end with it. The Abstinence Only philosophy, for instance, which we've talked about recently. That is pure religion-- there is plenty of data now that shows what works (multi-pronged approach), there is no excuse for pushing one angle alone. It might even be criminal. Pushing creationism as an "alternative" to evolution, which may resonate with a certain swath of Americans (as evidenced by how it keeps coming up), is pure religion. And apparently a single religion at that! They aren't pushing for the "In the beginning there were only two: Tawa, the Sun God, and Spider Woman, the Earth Goddess." creation theory (story). The real impact that having religion in power has had-- planned parenthood getting less funding, and restrictions on what they can do with it, hoops to jump through added, etc. Abortion -- Rather related to the religious/Christian aspect, but more general, as many religions hold life sacred. Again though, pure religion. There is plenty of data that shows what happens as abortions become harder to get. It's a health issue, plain and simple, same as sexual education. We can work out the details, as far as I'm concerned, but a good portion of the Republican party doesn't even want abortion on the table-- feelings over facts. I can see why, but it's not cool in the government. That is not the governments place. And the two main republicans, both have strong anti-pro-choice leanings. I'm tired of religious fanatics messing around with everybody else. Health-care and Education -- The Republican party has never been a very strong proponent of health-care or education. At least not by the government. Why spend all this money on public school? Social Security? Health-care? Privatize it! The Market will take care of the rest, those who are strong will survive, yadda yadda. Yes, there's a very elitist attitude, as in, the rich are rich because of hard work (note: big business and the government have gotten criminally close), and the poor are poor because they're lazy. It's stereo-typical, but the stereo-types are in the majority, apparently. Heh. Guess that's where the term stereo-type comes from... recurrence... There was an excellent show on PBS the other night, about a dude that went all over the world checking out health care systems... it was pretty enlightening, and it's pretty crazy that we're actually spending more money on our system, for less service, and less quality, than many other nations. Plus, if we can throw ourselves, (already the country with the most debt in the world) into further debt without blinking, for "War", why the fuck can't we do that for some other shit? We're putting it all on credit anyway. Why not invest in ourselves? And finally, things like Intellectual Property and Privacy -- A huge area for me, but not much for either party. Of the two party system, it's pretty clear to me that the Democrats are the lesser of the two evils there. Not by much tho. And finally, it really seems to me that the Republican party is the *I* party, sorta in the crazy Ayn Rand sense. I love and dig the general idea, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't really work like that. You can see she was impacted by the "bad" type of socialism, run by Russia's military (not really socialism, anyways). And the Republicans really like the military. I love my members, ya know (I would have given them better armor, and bigger bonuses(we're bleeding money anyways), personally), but I'm not a war-monger. I prefer peace, and communication with words over bullets. Well, giant fighting robots would be pretty alright by me too. That kind of hot lead ROCKS! Bullets through flesh tho? Not so much. Even when they deserve it, it sorta kills us, a little. Bah. I'm wandering. There are a lot of reasons that factor in... it's not exactly easy though, as, I'm sure you've guessed, I'd rather see someone like Ron Paul in the office. That's what we really need, a huge shake-up, but A) we've sorta screwed ourselves up already-- too much shaking can bruise your brain, and with Russia and China on the rise (damn, we're silly)... and 2) or is that B? Crap. I'm typeo-ing like crazy, ain't I? Oh well. Tired. but bee that as it may) 90% of Americans don't realize how bad things could get, quick, so we wouldn't want someone like RP until it was too late. Ironic, but hell, I generally agree with more on the Dem side than the Rep side. Or, phrased half-emptily, I hate the Democrats less. Thus, Obama. Awesome as it is, he seems like a great fit (in practical terms-- I'd love some crazy reformer), which is just a bonus. And to be fair, if McCain (or Palin) was more along the lines I am (friendly to the Gays, pro-choice, pro-education, etc.) I wouldn't fight so hard for Obama. I'll still be happy to have Bush2 out, but it really doesn't seem like we've learned what we should have from the experience. And that's the scary part. We're quickly becoming the bad type of "socialism" -- i.e., not. Lame media, no personal rights/privacy, no freedom to travel, etc.. Money buying power, what have you. Heh, guess them commies are still doing fine tho. If you can't beat 'em, join em. I'm sure there will never be a lack of government. Independent people come and go, and we've got a little plaque in front of our, reading: going, going... It ain't taxes driving them out. And when the revolution comes, it won't be over taxes, this time. -- Anti-Semitism is the rumour about the Jews. Theodor Adorno On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 8:46 PM, Erika L. Walker wrote: > I hate to say it - but that's what I see with a totally unbiased eye. And I > do mean unbiased. > > Despite recent tax talks and listening to all you guys and re-reading > everything - I still don't have a clue which ticket is the lesser of two > evils. > > And don't scoff - I'm glad it's really easy for the majority of you to cast > your allegiance to one side or the other, and maybe it's something so easy > for you to see that I must be stupid because I don't - but I truly can't > figure out which team is the best. > > And it may come down to the wire and one single issue will end up swaying > me. But to me - it seems the McCain ticket appears pretty strong right > now... > > > On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:36 PM, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> > RoMunn wrote: >> > Yup, nothing is decided yet, it's just unprecedented to see Obama >> > flailing around so much. >> > >> >> McCain's really pulling it together and Palin is just super sharp. No >> doubt about it, McCain's really charging ahead. >> >> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;203748912;27390454;j Archive: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Community/message.cfm/messageid:268557 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Community/subscribe.cfm Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/unsubscribe.cfm?user=89.70.5