I'm sorry - in a conference all week and having trouble keeping up and 
missed your comments to me.
Of course I'm not thumbing my nose at you - I think you are a stellar human. 
I'm so stretched timewise and stressed out perhaps I'm writing too tersely! 
I'm very sorry!!

What I meant:  To some people  choosing a candidate is simple - some friends 
would NEVER vote for a pro-choice or pro-life candidate (obviously not the 
same friend but you get my point) so they don't have to make a list and 
compare and contrast all of the pros and cons.  For me, its a little more 
complex than that, but not a whole lot  - I'm a pretty left person - it 
takes a special republican for me to vote for them (there have been a 
couple!!) - I'm not likely to vote for a person who wants to make their 
fundamentalist religious beliefs any sort of law for example.  I'm 
interested in healthcare reform and clean energy sources and making big oil 
as obsolete as possible.   My taxes changing a grand in either direction - 
eh, whatever, you know?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: ok, so the latest poll numbers, and what it means

> I'd just like to address the Roe vs Wade comment. The Supreme Court
> has already upheld a ban on partial birth abortion, a horrific
> procedure that might seem like it needs to be outlawed, but, and here
> is the key but, there is no exception for the mother's health.
> So if you discover late in your pregnancy that it might be you or the
> baby, it is now costitutional to force you to choose the baby.
> That doesn't scare you?
> The Supreme Court Justices appointed in the next presidency *will*
> hear a case involving abortion and there *will* be at least one and
> probably two justices appointed by the next president. There is just
> no question about that. And the current majority in favor of upholding
> Roe is 5-4.
> So yes, this could totally be overturned, sorry.
> Dana
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 2:49 PM, Erika L. Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>> "For some of us things like pro-life or pro-choice, or gun rights or gun
>> control are big important issues"
>> Those are actually important too ... but not by themselves should a 
>> decision
>> be made. And as *I* have said - I've already made my pro and con list for
>> the social issues. And some point to one over another.
>> However - I thought you were supposed to look at the whole big picture?
>> To me, in MY humble opinion --- Roe vs Wade is never going too be
>> overturned. Not by one of these two guys. And I think it's pretty naive 
>> of
>> people to think that it might. It's too big an animal with both sides 
>> having
>> a pretty big voice. So to base my decision on which president to vote for
>> based on that choice alone - is not very smart of me. again... my 
>> opinion.
>> And Beth - I get this feeling sometimes that you're looking down yur nose 
>> at
>> me right now - that I've said something to offend you in some way. Am I
>> reading too much between the lines here? Because if *I* have done 
>> something
>> to rub *you* wrong - I'd like to know what it is.
>> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 2:50 AM, Beth In Alaska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> > And don't scoff - I'm glad it's really easy for the majority of you to
>>> > cast
>>> > your allegiance to one side or the other, and maybe it's something so
>>> easy
>>> > for you to see that I must be stupid because I don't - but I truly 
>>> > can't
>>> > figure out which team is the best.
>>> For some of us things like pro-life or pro-choice, or gun rights or gun
>>> control are big important issues and so it makes choosing a candidate a
>>> little easier than someone who is just looking at how their taxes will 
>>> be
>>> with either candidate.

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