Republicans have no reason to pass a stimulus bill good or otherwise.
Right now if any bill goes through its going to be seen as Obama's
bill because he just got elected with bigger majorities in the House
and Senate. So if a bill passes and it is seen as working, credit goes
to Obama/Democrats even if Republicans support it.

So what have they done? In the House, they bitched and whinged and
watered the bill down from what it originally was. Then every single
Republican voted against it. Every single one. Now what are they doing
in the Senate? Watering the bill down again, slashing money for
favorite targets (biggest slashes in the Senate are to education) and
trying to convert large parts of the bill to tax cuts instead of
spending. Why would that matter? Well, that CBO report you linked to
also showed that tax cuts are the least effective means for stimulus
to the economy, providing the smallest return on investment of any

The Republican approach in Congress so far has been shrewd, I'll
admit. They have diverted focus from the big issues, like the dire
state of the economy, and focused instead on petty turf battles and
done their best to water down any bill to help decrease the liklihood
of it actually succeeding. And they'll still vote against it even
after negotiations.

So what do they get out of it? America limping along, Obama hoping
like hell that its enough and he gets a lucky break and a good chance
that he'll have to come back in a year or less for round 2 because
round 1 wasn't anywhere near enough to jump start the engine. And when
that happens they'll be able to decry his lack of leadership and
fiscal responsibility, etc etc. They get to play to their base with
votes against "government" and they hope to play the change card next
round of elections. If it does succeed, then voters will be less
economy focused and they'll be able to say that they kept the price of
the bill down and helped relieve future generations of debt. Their is
just no incentive for bipartisanship and that sucks. But it is what it

I wish Obama had gone big on this one. It feels like he is afraid to
let it ride on this priority and fight for the big position. He's a
pretty shrewd guy though and he's proven to be an adept politician by
and large. So I'm waiting to see what he pulls out. But the figures in
this stimulus bill? The bill (either Senate or House) amounts to less
than 2% of GDP and that's spread over 2 years. Ask yourself the
question: does a 2% increase in your income spread over 2 years
drastically change how you feel about your economic situation?

Obama is starting to show some fight on this and Pelosi is showing
some backbone as well. I generally am not very complimentary toward
Pelosi, so I'm starting to have a little flutter of hope. Reid...meh.
Republicans never had any intention of supporting a stimulus bill from
Obama no matter what. Their version of negotiation starts with
"everything will be done our way or we'll walk out" and ends right
there too. And to be fair, there is no great incentive for them to
negotiate. I guess that Obama felt he had to try but now its time to
take the lead and tell the obstructionists to get on board or get out
of the way.


On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 10:58 PM, Robert Munn <> wrote:
> I agree that the government is the only player big enough to help, and that
> there needs to be a stimulus bill, so let's see a stimulus bill, not a
> pork-and-beans bonanza. It's embarrassing what Obama has let Pelosi do to
> him on this bill. If it passes in its current form, he should veto it just
> to demonstrate who is in charge, then make them go back and clean it up with
> Republican support. That would be real leadership.

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