That would be awesome if parks were really part of regular spending.
Alas, they usually aren't.

You really really don't understand infrastructure stimulus. The parks
requests are an especially amusing set to bring up since one of the
big bits of stimulus spending during the New Deal was on parks. Lets
invest in something that benefits everyone, rich and poor, make
destinations that people want to go to, create open spaces and
preserve our natural beauty.

These requests you highlighted are of a similiar sort. Why don't we
invest in creating opportunities for people to exercise and play
sports? Americans certainly have a need for plenty more of that. And
why not invest in arts and culture? Celebrating diversity and artistic, there's a radical notion!

That's the point of infrastructure-based stimulus. Lets create jobs
now building up infrastructure for the common good that will yield
both short term and long term benefits. Short term you get jobs and
money flowing into communities. Long term you have roads and parks and
theaters and basketball courts that help improve the quality and
quantity of life for a broad section of society.

$2.5 million for a duck pond park? Dude, thousands upon thousands of
kids will go there every single year to feed ducks. Retired folks will
get together to take walks around it for exercise. Teenagers will go
there to make out and smoke pot late on Saturday nights. And that will
last for decades. Compare that to the $1.2 million for office
redecoration by the CEO of Merril Lynch so he can shit in oppulence
and you tell me which one is the better use of money.

I'll take duck shit over CEO shit any day of the week. At least its honest.


On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 6:54 PM, Robert Munn <> wrote:
> This is regular spending that should be dealt with in a regular spending
> bill. It is a classic move - scare the public into allowing the government
> to write a blank check, then stuff every pork barrel project that every
> Democrat ever wanted into it on the sly.
> Contrast this bill with the TARP, which took large chunks of money and
> injected it into the banks to prevent a systemic collapse. Big money, sure,
> but targeted at the problem, not dithered away willy-nilly.
> On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 6:42 PM, Vivec  wrote:
>> Isn't this just the capitalist system that makes the US go round?
>> How many people will be employed to build that Midway Park Family Life
>> Center?
>> What would be the impact on the community?

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