it's not a Canadian tax or a US tax it's an internet tax?????? On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 2:45 PM, Duane Boudreau <> wrote:
> > Not having a very good day with adobe here. > > > > Have a new client that needs some design work so I went online to purchase > PhotoShop CS4. > > > > They charged me tax on the order so I call the customer service department > about the tax because since I'm in Canada I shouldn't be charged . They > tell > me it's not a US tax, it's a Canadian tax. I say great all I need from you > is your GST registration number and all is well. They tell me they don't > have one. I tell them that legally they can't charge a GST in Canada > without > a registered GST number so give me the number and I can be on my way. I'm > told again they don't have one but if I have a tax exemption code I can use > that. Like an idiot I tell the truth that Canada doesn't have tax exemption > codes. They put me on hold for about 2 minutes. When they finally come back > they tell me it's not a US or Canadian tax it's an Internet Tax and the > only > thing I can do is cancel my order. I say fine cancel it. The response is > that it can only be canceled after its been in the system for 24 hours. I > mean WTF! > > > > Finally I decide to bite the bullet and suck up the $150 (with exchange > rate). Now I can't even download the fecking software because the Download > Manager returns an error and I got to call the same frigging place that > couldn't help me the first time. > > > > Is there anybody on this list from adobe that can help me out. > > > > Jesus what a pain in the ass! You'd think for $800 you'd get some useful > help when you call there. > > > > Duane > > > > > > > > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: