** Private ** wrote:
> Finally I decide to bite the bullet and suck up the $150 (with exchange
> rate). Now I can't even download the fecking software because the Download
> Manager returns an error and I got to call the same frigging place that
> couldn't help me  the first time.
> Is there anybody on this list from adobe that can help me out.

Is this the EDS site (the Akamai download junk)? Then allow popups, visit it in 
Firefox and when it pops up dig in the HTML source for the actual download 

> Jesus what a pain in the ass! You'd think for $800 you'd get some useful
> help when you call there.


Last month I spent two days downloading LiveCycle, a $300,000 product. I got 
exactly the same recommendation: download it from home. The problem was that 
the download from home worked, but the file I downloaded had the wrong MD5 
checksum. After 3 days it turned out Adobe had published the wrong MD5 
checksums. Then it took a week to get a license key for the $150 Acrobat Pro 
upgrade it needed to install.


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