Maybe they need to model it after what Texas does.  I worked for UPS  
for 10 years, 7 of which I was covered under the union, but never  
belonged to it.  I was never pressured to join.  I was given a form at  
the time of hiring where I checked yes or no if I wanted to join.   
That was the only time I was asked.  When I went to mgmt, my benefits  
sucked.  As an employee with the benefits negotiated by the union, it  
would cost me $25 to have a child.  As mgmt, it cost me nearly $2000.   
When bonuses where negotiated, all the union members and even hourly  
employees not in the union received them.  As mgmt, it was mostly  
upper mgmt that received them.   Another thing is mgmt knew which emps  
were in the union and which weren't.  The ones that weren't were  
usually the ones made to run longer shifts.

Sure, there's always corruption in unions....hell, what exists that  
doesn't have corruption?  But my first hand knowledge of this  
particular union is that it did more good than harm.

On Mar 26, 2009, at 10:20 AM, Sam wrote:

> The union can openly harass employees to sign on to unionize. Once the
> union has the majority  they become union unless 30% of the employees
> sign a petition for a secret ballot. That's the kicker, you need 30%
> to stand up to the union goons. They know where you live...
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 7:08 AM, Gruss Gott <>  
> wrote:
>> Stop being so intellectually dishonest.
>> (1.) You said: "doing away with secret balloting".  That's false.
>> Either you're ignorant or a liar.  Your pick.
>> (2.) You said: "that's a good one. it's like saying we'll now have a
>> choice - secret balloting, or having our nuts stepped on by large men
>> in overalls."  and "when you can't go around stepping on people's  
>> nuts
>> any longer union 'yes' votes somehow go down"
>> In other words your position is simply one of protecting workers.
>> So, sure, you can have an opinion.  But stop pretending it's a union
>> opinion.  It's not.  You're posts have proven that you don't
>> understand what you're talking about and your dishonest about WHY you
>> have that opinion.
>> So tell us all - now that your original objections to this have been
>> revealed as ignorance or lies, what's your personal motivation to
>> oppose this bill?
>> Course we all know the answer:
>> You read a blog and didn't - as usual - bother to actually think  
>> about it.
>> Poor Robbie.  Always the manipulated.  Never any princi

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