On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Gruss Gott <grussg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is where I wonder about free speech for people like Glen Beck.
> These people (Limbaugh, Hannity, but worse Beck, O'reilly) prey upon
> people's fears and stoke them.
> At what point does that become irresponsible to the point of ban?  We
> ban hate speech.  You can't yell fire in a movie theater.  At what
> point does some of this stuff become dangerous?

We used to ban shouting "fire" in a movie theater. That isn't actually
against the law any longer. Now it is really incitement to specific
and imminent harm. "You should go kill all the abortion doctors on
this list" is illegal. "All the people on this list are murders and we
think it ought to be legal for you to go kill them. And, btw, here is
their home address which has nothing to do with my first statement" is
dubious. "Someone really ought to stop these baby killers by whatever
means necessary" is quite legal from what I understand.

That being said, the crap that Beck, O'Reilly, etc spout ought to be
legal. It is odious and I would personally enjoy repeatedly kicking
them in what remains of their balls (if they ever dropped in the first
place). But their speech should be legal. They should be ignored and
when acknowledged, mocked. A government ban, however, would be the
worst possible outcome. Not only would it cheapen the cause of free
speech but it would empower a noxious minority view that thrives on
the perception of persecution. Belittle the tea baggers.  Mock them
unmercifully. Boycott them. Best of all, ignore the fuckers and
whenever anyone brings them up, ask the person who did so if they
really support anti-American pedophiles.

Honestly, if the likes of Glenn Beck can really foment sedition, then
we probably deserve it as we are so fucking far gone as a people that
we've got little or no hope left.


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