For those keeping score...I share Larry's disdain for those he
describes below (though the bumper stickers he describes don't annoy
me as much). So maybe this one is a draw?

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Larry Lyons<> wrote:
>>What annoys me is the Hummers I see driving down impeccably paved streets,
>>their owners sipping lattes from Starbucks and sporting "Drill Baby Drill"
>>bumper stickers. Admit it, that is a *lot* of SUV owners. Possibly most.
>>Pickup trucks and SUVs have their place. I used to have an old F150 once
>>upon a time. I bought it because yeah, I was moving a lot that summer, and
>>the little Toyota sedan I took into Texas hill country was not cutting the
>>mustard on the deep ruts and scattered boulders of Utopia's back roads. And
>>oh yeah, it was the used vehicle currently for sale in that town of 300
>>people :) But honestly now... most people don't need them.
> Driving in the DC area, I see far too many of this type. Huge Escalades or 
> Landrovers fully tricked out and the driver swilling a decaf latte made from 
> skim milk. Most of those things get millage in the single digits. What even 
> more aggravating is that they have major temper tantrums when driving down 
> I95 or I66 over the high occupancy lanes. Selfish, self centered and with an 
> obnoxious level of self entitlement. 90% of them have the drill baby drill 
> bumper sticker or other pro right wing republican stickers on them. As far as 
> I'm concerned, there should be an obnoxiousness tax on their land yachts just 
> for that irritating lot.
> FWIW for city driving I'm averaging over 32 mpg in the new Mini and in the 
> high 30's on the highway.

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