no, not at all. At the moment I really wish I had a pickup, actually. But
not for every day, not unless I move to one of those places I was looking at
ten miles up a dirt road in the Santa Fe National Forest. Which is looking
less likely.

What annoys me is the Hummers I see driving down impeccably paved streets,
their owners sipping lattes from Starbucks and sporting "Drill Baby Drill"
bumper stickers. Admit it, that is a *lot* of SUV owners. Possibly most.

Pickup trucks and SUVs have their place. I used to have an old F150 once
upon a time. I bought it because yeah, I was moving a lot that summer, and
the little Toyota sedan I took into Texas hill country was not cutting the
mustard on the deep ruts and scattered boulders of Utopia's back roads. And
oh yeah, it was the used vehicle currently for sale in that town of 300
people :) But honestly now... most people don't need them.

>I will tell you this, we wont be getting some big ass Hummer, or "Look at
>I got an SUV" type vehicle.
exactly... not that what I think should really dictate what you get. But by
all means if you are hauling straw around, this falls in the category of
"needs a utility vehicle in my mind, if you care what I think anyway.

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 2:44 AM, Dana <> wrote:

> ah so since my car does get more than that, then I would not have
> qualified?
> That's a relief in a way, though it pisses me off even more under the
> category of subsidizing SUV owners. I do think that there are people out
> there who drive inefficient cars because that is all they can afford -- if
> there were a way to limit the program to them I'd consider liking it.


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