
You probably never want to drive in NC, this is status quo... and you'll get
screamed at by the idiot that cut you off

Scott Stewart
ColdFusion Developer
4405 Oakshyre Way
Raleigh, NC 27616
(h) 919.874.6229 (c) 703.220.2835

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Lyons [] 
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 1:24 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: cash for clunkers program may be tapped out already

>For those keeping score...I share Larry's disdain for those he
>describes below (though the bumper stickers he describes don't annoy
>me as much). So maybe this one is a draw?

You haven't been cut off by some jerk lurching over from the non-hov lanes.
The jerk was the only occupant of the SUV. He was yelling into his cell
phone (I could hear him with his windows rolled up) and not paying any
attention. After cutting me off he zoomed all of 60 feet when the lane
stopped. The twit then cut someone else off in an effort to keep going as
fast as he could.

I see this sort of crap every day when I drive into the office. All I can
think of his who died and made him queen. 

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