> Dana wrote:
> ummm... polio != guillaume barre as far as I know

Call it what you want, GBS, french polio, whatever.  Point is, I'm a
believer in the first-do-no-harm thing and people's biology is

Does smoking *cause* lung cancer or is just strongly correlated?  Does
flu vaccine *cause* GBS in some people or is it just weakly
correlated?  Nobody will ever be able to say.

But I will say it's something you'd probably think about while you
were sucking on a respirator because your lungs didn't work.

So is the flu vaccine better for me than not?  No.

For you?  Maybe.

But then how do either of us know that?  Cause we're guinea pigs and
it's our experience.

So is it safe?  seems like it might be, but then that's what they said '76 too.

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