It's simplified, but its meant to introduce concepts.

Computers are made to be obsolete. There have been several instances
where manufacturers have chosen to create a new connector instead of
using a standardised connector to force people to buy new cords for
Sony has taken a lot of flack for that in the past, that's just one example.

In most cases, if the connections weren't changed (and not always is
this necessary), you can upgrade your machine much easier by swapping
the CPU.
Tests have proven that the real world difference between DDR2 and DDR3
RAM, for example, is negligible.

Another example she could have used is the AGP 8X slot, that has now
become the PCI-E 2.0 slot...but very few applications take advantage
of the increased bandwidth. There are even different versions of PCI-E
None of this has any significant difference on the Graphics
performance of games, for example, at the resolutions that 90% of
people play at.
Now should she have used the above highly technical examples instead
of the shape of the CPU?

i.e. the fact that we JUST got i7 processors, and next year we are
going to have a different version that will need different
motherboards? The Memory isn't changing, very little else is changing.
But the i7 you buy this year, isn't going to be as fast (it may be 5%
slower but it won't be as fast) as the one in 2010.

Isn't this exactly the Planned Obsolescence and Perceived obsolescence
that The Story of Stuff refers to?

2009/11/20 Cameron Childress <>:
> A very slanted and black and white presentation of an issue that's
> much more complex.
> Around the 13th minute she claims that computers are designed to be
> obsolete in a few years and says that she opened a computer to see
> what's inside and why.  She claims that "only one little part changes
> each time" and they show this puzzle piece that's the magically
> changing piece

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