On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Vivec <gel21...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Isn't this exactly the Planned Obsolescence and Perceived obsolescence
> that The Story of Stuff refers to?

You'd keep an older computer and stick a new CPU in it if it would
only fit in the slot?  You honestly can tell me that you don't look at
any other exciting new feature of a new computer when you buy one?
You think that computers get slower over time and need to be replaced
(as she claims) ***ONLY*** because of that one little magical puzzle
piece?  Doesn't have anything to do with the average consumer's
inability to manage a PC and keep it free of rotten malware and
viruses?  Nothing to do with hard-drive space, or how much RAM is in
the computer, or how fast the graphics card is, or the fact that old
computers don't have USB2 ports.  It's just that one piece?  Really?
You'd be okay with that old parallel port Zip drive and 32 megs of RAM
if only those damn corporations would have allowed you to upgrade the
CPU?  Really?


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