Yeah.. another example of the lack of grey.. (read critical thinking) in
your world..

Like I said to Hatton, if these emails empirically proved that Global
Warming existed the three of you (you, Rob and Hatton) would be all over
them like white on rice trying to dismiss or disprove them any way you
could, factually or otherwise.

I'm not a denier, I'm a skeptic. Give me hard proof or you have nothing..

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 4:49 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: climategate emails

The people that wrote the emails claimed they were real. Nothing more
we can do for you.

You are now a denier.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 4:20 PM, Scott Stewart <>
> I find the whole episode rather suspicious, what we have is heresay
> Based on supposed hacked emails with no other way to authenticate them
> than then some at the institution saying "they're real". Coming from an
> institution who up until now, I've never heard of...

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