On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 8:43 AM, Scott Stroz <boyz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The lack of outrage.
> As I said, if this happened last year, there would be quite a few
> posts blaming/slamming Bush. Instead we get, 'yea, well it technically
> is his fault, but you know, he has been kind of busy'

I actually disagree. I don't think we'd be seeing a lot of posts blaming
Bush or flippin' out. People try to blow up airplanes. We try to stop them.
Sometimes....they get through. We need to keep our calm.

Its the typical my side is right, your side is wrong bullshit we see
> here (and in politics in general) every damn day, and it annoys the
> piss out of me.

I honestly don't see where you are getting this.....???

> Do I really think its Obama's fault? Not really. Yes, he is where the
> 'buck stops', but to think he has knowledge of every little detail of
> everything our government does is ridiculous, (and I thought it was
> ridiculous when Bush was in office as well). However, it has become
> obvious that the issues we had with inter-agency sharing of
> information in 2001 still exist, to some extent, today. And that is
> where I think Obamas responsibilities lie.

Ok....i think we all agree with that.

> Did he personally know this problem still existed? I don't know.
> Should he have known? I would like to think so.

Perhaps i'm flippant about this because I've always considered airport
security to be nothing but a smoke screen. Designed to construct this
illusion to the people that they are 100% safe when they fly. I get no sense
of security from them, nor will I chastize them when something like this

You are MUCH more likely to die in your car on your way home from work
tonight, than you are getting on an airplane that is going to be blown up.

> But, now that we know it still exists...fix the fucking thing.

Or don't.....whatever. Just not a big deal...but I know I'm in the minority
on this.

> Oh, and its nice to know that the stupid TSA rules that are doled out
> after incidents like this are just as ridiculous under Obama as they
> were under Bush.

Now THAT i agree with. Stupid stupid stupid!  Overreaction....closing the
barn door after the horse has left. The video Mikey posted illustrated this

We're baptized in these waters
And in each others blood

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