How about giving people a choice? Strip search or xray machine?

 Which would people choose do you think?

Looking at the imagery, I just don't consider those medical styled
results to be 'nudity'. If they were in full color then maybe I would
have more of an issue with it.

Additionally no one seemed to query whether the guy was given the
explosoives AFTER he passed screening.This whole thing seems like such
a lame-duck attempt, but al qaeda did claim responsibility so we
should be happy at the incompetence of their fanatics.

On 1/4/10, Medic <> wrote:
>> The x-ray issue was brought up by me. You have men look at men, and
>> women look at women.
> That makes sense to me but it does bring up a few questions.
> 1) Don't xrays increase your chances of cancer? So isn't there a case to be
> made there about endangering peoples lives more by trying to protect them?
> 2) What about gays? If men looking at men and women looking at women is
> supposed to set a travellers mind at ease how do you ensure that the guys
> looking at guys aren't into the guys they are looking at? You can't really
> force a TSA worker to disclose their sexual orientation.
> The last is more of a devil's advocate stance. But it's a valid question I
> think.

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