I do not know what to do.  Any advice is appreciated.

Awhile ago, I worked for a dot.com that started losing its employees.
Then, the CTO, a partner, left. I was the only remaining one-with the
owner! [Background on owner: 1)He used to work for FBI and made it clear
he could and did hack into your pc at home and mess you up if you were
not loyal to him   2)He liked me as a friend and we had fun
together--taking breaks, etc.  3) He confided in me about how he was
making trouble for ex-employees if they tried to get Unemployment. He
did not like being crossed...  ok, I think you got the picture.]

I started getting "NSF" paychecks.  Owner (we'll call him Rick) promised
he'd pay me, if I'd hang in there.  I was a loyal
employee [does that translate to "rube" or "dope"?] and waited.   He
asked me for a paystub and gave me a check for the
net amount shown on my paystub.  Then, he skipped a few weeks, saying he
was waiting to get a client's payment.  He did
pay me--but, again, it was the net amount for the weeks I worked.
Things continued this way for months.  I assumed [does
that translate to "rube" or "dope"?] he'd get together with his
accountant and straighten everything out with taxes, etc.  When
I got the w2 (very late!) I saw he only accounted the net pay (in
addition to the original pay, properly-figured.)  When I asked
him why the w2 was off @ $25000, he said, "Oh, really? Well, it's good
for you--you have less taxes to pay."

The company closed its doors. Rick and I remained friends, and I hoped
he would pay me properly when he got money (many clients owed him a
lot.) But, he started traveling for months at a time. Eventually, he met
a woman and is now engaged. They are in Costa Rica for 6 months.  He
invited me to their wedding--in Hawaii. I recently brought up the $25000
that he owes me.  This is his response:

"I'm not really sure what it is that you are asking. If something
bothered you a year and a half ago, I wish you would have
brought up the issue then, so that it could have been resolved
immediately. What is your solution? "

Should I just forget this?  Is it worth having him hack away?
Any advice on what I can do?  (He's in Costa Rica now.)
Thanks for your help.

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