Anyone that boasts about their hacking abilities to non-hackers, can't 
hack. Don't worry about it.
Personally I'd keep the tax info to myself and think of this guy as an 
old friend who owes you one. You never know when you will need a place 
to stay in Costa Rica... :)


M Zanky wrote:
> I do not know what to do.  Any advice is appreciated.
> Awhile ago, I worked for a that started losing its employees.
> Then, the CTO, a partner, left. I was the only remaining one-with the
> owner! [Background on owner: 1)He used to work for FBI and made it clear
> he could and did hack into your pc at home and mess you up if you were
> not loyal to him   2)He liked me as a friend and we had fun
> together--taking breaks, etc.  3) He confided in me about how he was
> making trouble for ex-employees if they tried to get Unemployment. He
> did not like being crossed...  ok, I think you got the picture.]

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