Since you obviously would prefer an ill-informed opinion than actually
learn anything, I took the liberty of gathering some information for

Study after study has also shown that home school children
consistently score higher on standardized tests that those in public
school. That kind of blows holes in your 'if you are not a certified
teacher, you are not capable of teaching your children' theory, too.

Your opinion is only based on stereotypes and myths and not really on
any facts at all.

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Eric Roberts
<> wrote:
> No...that was someone else actually...even though I do agree with it.  You
> don’t learn how to interact with people in protected environments with
> parents hawking over them 24/7.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Stroz []
> Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 8:13 PM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: The hardest thing about homeschooling.....
> You brought up the myth about home school children and
> 'socialization'. And that is what it is...a myth. Studies have shown
> that home school children are no less 'social' than their public
> school counter parts, ans some have shown that home  schooled children
> are more socially prepared for the real world.
> So, because you have know some people who home school and, I guess did
> not like the way they turned out, than all home schooling should be
> outlawed. I was robbed by 2 African americans once, how would it sound
> to you if I started saying all African Americans were criminals?  I
> would sound...wait for it...ignorant
> I was looking to vent a little and hopefully get some recommendations,
> since, while I may not agree with some people on this list, they are
> some smart people who have a lot to offer. You have chosen to attack
> me and my ideals and compared home schooling to child abuse and
> pedophelia, not the other way around.
> You refuse to see home schooling as a viable option for anyone under
> any circumstances - that is a perfect example of intolerance.  In my
> mind, you are no better than the members of Westboro Baptist Church
> who preach that our soldiers are dying because God hates gay people.
> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 8:26 PM, Eric Roberts
> <> wrote:
>> What have I said that is "mythical or misinformation"?  I stated that I
>> don’t think non-teachers are qualified to teach.  That is my opinion based
>> on my experiences with home schooling and as I said, I know quite a few
>> people who do homeschool.  Just because I disagree doesn't make my opinion
>> uneducated.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Scott Stroz []
>> Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 6:54 PM
>> To: cf-community
>> Subject: Re: The hardest thing about homeschooling.....
>> I am bitching at you for being close minded and absolute in your
>> opinion. You will not even entertain the idea that home schooling is a
>> viable option for anyone in any situation. I, however, can see the
>> advantages and disadvantages of home schooling and 'traditional'
>> education - and my wife and I made an educated decision on how to
>> educate our children.
>> I have never said I thought public school was 'wrong' or should be
>> 'illegal' because  its not the way I think it should be done, nor have
>> I tried to pass of misinformation about mythical issues with public
>> school. However, you have said all those things about home schooling.
>> You misinterpreted me, and I apologize for not being more clear. I do
>> not dislike your opinion because you disagree with me, I dislike your
>> opinion because it is an uneducated one.
>> I will make no bones about the fact that I can be an asshole - I have
>> probably insulted everyone on this list a dozen times, but I am far
>> from intolerant. I can accept that was it good for me and my family,
>> may not be good for everyone. I understand that some people do not
>> have the financial, intellectual or emotional means to home school
>> their children, but I would never tell them they were wrong for not
>> doing so.
>> I cannot tell you how many times we have heard from parents that they
>> could not home school because they cannot stand to be around their own
>> kids all day, every day. Those are the children you should really feel
>> sorry for.
>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 7:03 PM, Eric Roberts
>> <> wrote:
>>> I think you are looking in the mirror.  You are only a hypocritical
>> asswipe
>>> when you bitch at me for being intolerant for expressing my opinion, just
>>> because you don't like it. I guess I have yet another reason to dislike
>>> homeschooling.  And here I thought you were an intelligent person...
>>> Eric
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Scott Stroz []
>>> Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 6:14 PM
>>> To: cf-community
>>> Subject: Re: The hardest thing about homeschooling.....
>>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 6:49 PM, Eric Roberts
>>> <> wrote:
>>> You have no idea what you are talking about with homeschool. You are
>>> only repeating the stereotype.
>>> I feel sorry for your kids that you are so close minded, maybe public
>>> school will teach them to broaden their horizons a little bit more
>>> than their dad. I hope that you never run into issues we did, because
>>> you have already taken one possible solution off the table.
>>> On a side not, in another thread I kind of felt bad that LRS jumped
>>> down your I feel foolish for feeling that way, because
>>> its pretty obvious you are just an intolerant asshole..
>>> --
>>> Scott Stroz
>>> ---------------
>>> The DOM is retarded.

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