On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 5:08 PM, Jerry Johnson <jmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Quick survey here.
> How many people had parents that ADDED homework to your list?

not REALLY, but we definitely were challenged mentally daily

> Who taught them subjects at the kitchen table, usually years before the
> schools did?

most definitely.

> Who took them to the library a couple of times a week, and provided a full
> set of encyclopedias at home (pre cdrom and internet)?

yes, and yes.

> Just wondering if my experience was normal (as I always assumed), or not the
> norm.

i was so severely bored in high school that had i been home schooled,
i bet i woulda gone further in college. doesnt matter now, im stoked
with my career, life, and salary... fuck school :)


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