Shorin-Ryu, I believe it's one of the Okinawan forms of Karate

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 2:51 PM, Dana <> wrote:
> The discipline did her a lot of good. I am glad I got her to New
> Orleans. She'd already been to the nationals and was going to pass
> because one of her friend was going through some sort of drama but I
> told her that when you are eligible for the worlds in anything you go,
> cause that's an honor even if you don't win and even if "worlds" is
> only true in the sense that it's above the nationals.
> It wasn't easy and required a marathon overnight drive, not to mention
> maxing out the credit card, but I enjoyed New Orleans and I think it
> gave her a solid confidence that she'd been lacking. It may have
> helped her stay out of the messier traps at school.
> Apparently the type of karate she learned is a little offbeat -- shon
> ru? -- so she quit when her teacher retired but perhaps she had gotten
> what she needed from it by then.
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Scott Stewart
> <> wrote:
>> I loved competing, I took 15 State Titles in sparring and breaking,
>> and four National Medals under USATaekwondo and AAUTaekwondo. The
>> lessons in being graceful in defeat, how to turn "competition Scott"
>> on and offand just the sheer discipline of training for it are things
>> that i'll have with me for life.
>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Dana <> wrote:
>>> Lara got quite a bit out of competition. I don't know if I ever told
>>> you that when she went to the worlds in new orleans she won one first
>>> place and I think three seconds... even if you allow for the fact that
>>> this was only girls at her age and rank, that's still pretty good. She
>>> had to beat four or five girls in each competition.
>>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Scott Stewart
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Here's the  speech that I usually give..
>>>> 1) if the school isn't willing to give a couple of free lessons... run
>>>> 2) if the school will not let you speak to students or the other
>>>> 3) if the school will not let you observe
>>>> 4) if the school doesn't have a recognizable national governing body,
>>>> like the World Taekwondo Federation, or the International Taekwon-do
>>>> Federation, or the US National Karate-Do Federation.. run
>>>> I'm partial to Taekwondo as dictated by the World Taekwondo
>>>> Federation, and USATaekwondo, they have acredidation and certification
>>>> for instructors and keep a pretty tight leash on them, every school
>>>> teaches the same basic curriculmn (so if you move he won't lose rank).
>>>>  WTF Taekwondo is full contact at the competition level, there's an
>>>> emphasis on taking a hit as well as dishing it out (read: no love tap
>>>> point fighting), but still very controlled in the school, discipline
>>>> is stressed, ranks are earned not just handed out (based on a
>>>> student's individual performance, and physical abilities) all while
>>>> maintaining a fun and safe environment...
>>>> Trust your gut when you walk into the school, if you're not
>>>> comfortable, leave, beware of "Belt Factories", they tell you that
>>>> they'll put a black belt on your son in a year/year and a half..  it
>>>> took me eight years of solid training to get mine (factoring in
>>>> changing schools twice, with the same instructor, a divorce, injuries
>>>> and competition).
>>>>  A key point, there's no regulation of the Martial Arts industry,
>>>> anyone can make up an organization, declare themselves "World
>>>> Champion" and open a school. So buyer beware.
>>>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:
>>>>> I guess that should read - 'any suggestions on identifying a good 
>>>>> instructor'
>>>>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 10:14 AM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:
>>>>>> We have, but at the time he did not seem too interested. That was a
>>>>>> couple of years ago, so it might be a good idea to revisit it. Any
>>>>>> suggestions on finding a good instructor?
>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:57 AM, Scott Stewart
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> that does suck...
>>>>>>> Have you thought about putting him a martial arts program? When I was
>>>>>>> teaching in NC I had a student who had a mild version of CP, it did
>>>>>>> wonders for his coordination and balance, not to mention his
>>>>>>> confidence. He was one of my best students.
>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Believe it or not, but when we first started home school, we got a lot
>>>>>>>> of inspiration from the Montessori 'methods'. As a matter of fact,
>>>>>>>> that scene you described is similar to how our kids each begin their
>>>>>>>> day - only there is only 2 of them.
>>>>>>>> I have made no secret of the fact that my older son had a stroke when
>>>>>>>> he was born. As a result, he has very mild cerebral palsy (CP) - so
>>>>>>>> mild most might not notice it. He does have limited fine motor skills
>>>>>>>> on his right side, particularly his arm and hand. One thing he asked
>>>>>>>> when he was still in kindergarten was to 'buy' his own lunch like the
>>>>>>>> other kids. We thought this would be a great way for him to gain some
>>>>>>>> independence so we gave him money the next day so he could buy his own
>>>>>>>> lunch.
>>>>>>>> After he picked out what he wanted and paid for it, he was walking
>>>>>>>> across the cafeteria to sit down and a child came up behind him and
>>>>>>>> knocked him over, spilling his lunch all over the floor and himself.
>>>>>>>> Not only were we not called so, at the very least, we could bring him
>>>>>>>> a change of clothes, but they refused to give him a replacement lunch
>>>>>>>> because he did not have enough money left over. That is not the kind
>>>>>>>> of environment I want my children to be learning in.
>>>>>>>> When we asked what happend to the child who pushed our son, we were
>>>>>>>> told, 'Nothing,. That is just kids being kids'.
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Zaphod Beeblebrox
>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> We had very similar issues with our first born in public school 
>>>>>>>>> kindergarten.  We tossed around home schooling for a while.  We 
>>>>>>>>> decided we didn't the correct combination of time/patience to do it.  
>>>>>>>>> So we went with a Montessori private school.
>>>>>>>>> Yesterday, I had to take a picture of the class for a school project. 
>>>>>>>>>  When I arrived, there were 3 students who were not there yet.  I sat 
>>>>>>>>> down in the classroom and watched my daughter start her work.  After 
>>>>>>>>> a few minutes..I realized it was extremely quiet.  I looked around 
>>>>>>>>> and saw that all the kids were busy doing "works", but I didn't see 
>>>>>>>>> any of them doing the same thing.  I even noticed a girl reading book 
>>>>>>>>> that didn't look like an assignment type of book.  I asked the 
>>>>>>>>> teacher later about the book.  She told me that the girl liked to 
>>>>>>>>> start her day reading for pleasure.  That wasn't an issue because the 
>>>>>>>>> girl always set aside the time "pleasure reading" in her daily plan 
>>>>>>>>> and would accomplish everything else she set out to do.  She said 
>>>>>>>>> their method is not to micromanage the students, but to help them set 
>>>>>>>>> goals and accomplish them.
>>>>>>>>> I thought about that later and realized, that's a lot like real life.
>>>>>>>>> On Apr 15, 2010, at 5:00 PM, Scott Stroz wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I have to say, when we first had issues with my child's teacher, my
>>>>>>>>>> wife mentioned homeschooling and my knee jerk reaction was 'No way in
>>>>>>>>>> hell'. At that point I had only known like 3 people who were home
>>>>>>>>>> schooled and they were all what I would consider 'weird'.
>>>>>>>>>> But the more research I did, the more I talked to people, the more I
>>>>>>>>>> realized that while those 'weird' people might be the stereotypical
>>>>>>>>>> home schoolers, they are not the majority. I found out that a lot of
>>>>>>>>>> people I knew and respected were home schooled for all or part of
>>>>>>>>>> their childhood.
>>>>>>>>>> Now, I would have it no other way. I think we have the perfect life. 
>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>> work from home, my wife does not need to work (to pull in a paycheck)
>>>>>>>>>> and we homeschool. No mater how busy any of our days get, we still 
>>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>>> each other every day and eat every meal together.
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 5:51 PM, Ian Skinner <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 4/15/2010 2:15 PM, Eric Roberts wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> That is exactly my point Ian.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Eric
>>>>>>>>>>> No, I'm afraid you missed the point.  My point was that *I* could 
>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>> home school.  Don't have the time, don't have the aptitude.
>>>>>>>>>>> But I also *recognize* that I am a lucky parent.  Through no effort 
>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>> my part, I just happened to be living in the foot print of a good 
>>>>>>>>>>> school
>>>>>>>>>>> when our children where born.  My oldest is advance, my youngest is
>>>>>>>>>>> challenged.  They both have had great teachers to date.  They both 
>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>> received great support and encouragement from the schools system so 
>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>> neither has been held back.  The grade school is right across the 
>>>>>>>>>>> street
>>>>>>>>>>> and is a 'residential' school, meaning there is no busing.  It only
>>>>>>>>>>> servers the immediate neighborhood in walking distance around the
>>>>>>>>>>> school.  Thus small class sizes and plenty of parental 
>>>>>>>>>>> participation.
>>>>>>>>>>> The youngest in under an IEP and receives significant help from that
>>>>>>>>>>> program.  The oldest was advanced to the 1st grad math program when 
>>>>>>>>>>> he
>>>>>>>>>>> had completed the kindergarten level work and was getting bored.  
>>>>>>>>>>> He is
>>>>>>>>>>> now in a Charter School that strongly embraces the arts.  *Creative
>>>>>>>>>>> Connections Arts Academy* incorporates art into his academic
>>>>>>>>>>> curriculum.  And I count myself lucky that this school is within 
>>>>>>>>>>> walking
>>>>>>>>>>> distance of our home as well.
>>>>>>>>>>> But I know all of that is quite lucky on my part.  I live within 
>>>>>>>>>>> range
>>>>>>>>>>> of great public schools so that I don't have to consider home and|or
>>>>>>>>>>> private schooling.  But if all of the above was not true, I would 
>>>>>>>>>>> be!

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