It depends on the type of diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes melitus is the
result of the body no longer producing insulin. The insulin producing
cells (the Islets of Langerham), have died. While many cases occur in
childhood, not all, , with 50% of patients with new-onset type 1
diabetes are older than 20 years of age

type 2 diabetes is the one you are referring to.

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:17 PM, Eric Roberts
<> wrote:
> To be more accurate, it's not necessarily the cause, but it can be the
> trigger.  Diabetes is generally a genetic disorder that is passed down
> through the maternal genes.  What happens is as you gain weight, you develop
> a higher tolerance to insulin (think of this in terms of drug addiction
> where you need more of the drug to achieve your high as your tolerance of it
> increases...same happens with insulin).  You body is producing all the
> insulin it would normally need, it's just that you are not producing enough
> receptors that enable the metabolic process to properly ensue.  Most type 2
> diabetes is triggered by weight or old age.  Type 1 diabetes is generally
> developed at birth or early childhood.  That is why Type 2 is referred to as
> Adult Onset Diabetes.
> I have seen some interesting research that links it to Neandertals and a
> submissive version of the gene that helped to keep them warm (which would
> make sense...a high blood sugar level would allow more energy to be
> produced, thus more heat...).  They also think red hair comes from them to
> ;-)
> Eric
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry C. Lyons []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 8:35 AM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: America not #1 in most indices
> that's a gross over generalization. Diabetes is not strictly related
> to being overweight. Certain kinds of Type 2 Diabetes are, but all the
> other sorts, Type 1 insulin dependent etc., the cause is not being
> overweight.
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 10:25 PM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:
>> "Food for thought?"
>> Sure, but not all in a negative context.
>> For example, looking at Life Expectancy.  A ranking of 30th seems pretty
>> bad.  Then you consider that the USA has an abundance of food (including
> the
>> incredibly unhealthy fast-food), an abundance of non-manual labor jobs, an
>> abundance of personal vehicles (no biking or walking),  and no incentive
> to
>> exercises (except personal drive).   The USA has a lot overweight people
>> with diabetes and high blood pressure leading to a lot of premature
> deaths.
>> This is by personal lifestyle choices.
>> I won't touch prisons and education though.  I believe both are incredibly
>> mismanaged.

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