Sounds like you're just a hater :)

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:
> That's true on the surface, but my experience tells me that when
> people are flaunting something and making flashy displays of whatever
> (patriotism, piety, charity, green living, etc) that usually means
> that their actual experience/belief in that thing is very shallow. I
> know some great Christians who really try and live the ideal. Like a
> family I know that runs an animal shelter at their farm for horses,
> dogs, cats, squirrels, ducks, snakes...seriously, a total Francis of
> Assisi gig going on. And they do it because they feel that, as
> Christians, they are called to take care of the weak and defenseless.
> They go to church and all, but they don't proselytize, they don't put
> bumper stickers and magnets all over their minivan, they don't get
> political about it. They'll certainly talk to you about their beliefs
> if you want to, but what they do is more important than shouting about
> their beliefs to the world.
> I just can't shake the feeling that people who are into conspicuous
> displays of a supposed ethos, whether wearing American flags on
> everything or spending $300 on a designer recycled hemp direct trade
> shirt, don't really have a clue about what they think they are
> honoring or otherwise they wouldn't be doing what they are doing.
> Judah

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