Call me crazy but I don't see what's not to like in there.
Maybe I should join a tea party. I do like Tetley's cream flow.

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:49 PM, Maureen <> wrote:
> "An overwhelming majority of delegates to the Maine Republican
> convention tonight voted to scrap the the proposed party platform and
> replace it with a document created by a group of Tea Party activists."
> "The official platform for the Republican Party of Maine is now a mix
> of right-wing fringe policies, libertarian buzzwords and outright
> conspiracy theories.
> "The document calls for the elimination of the Department of Education
> and the Federal Reserve, demands an investigation of "collusion
> between government and industry in the global warming myth," suggests
> the adoption of "Austrian Economics," declares that "'Freedom of
> Religion' does not mean 'freedom from religion'" (which I guess makes
> atheism illegal), insists that "healthcare is not a right," calls for
> the abrogation of the "UN Treaty on Rights of the Child" and the "Law
> Of The Sea Treaty" and declares that we must resist "efforts to create
> a one world government."
> "It also contains favorable mentions of both the Tea Party and Ron
> Paul. You can read the whole thing here.
> Dan Billings, who has served as an attorney for the Maine GOP, called
> the new platform "wack job pablum" and "nutcase stuff."
> Despite the document's crazy content, Maine Republican Party Chair
> Charlie Webster insisted to the AP that all of the elements in the
> platform are things that Republicans support. He claimed to the Press
> Herald that these issues reflect the values of working-class Mainers.

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