Ok, you're crazy. Here's what not to like:

Elmination of the Department of Education - If you think American education is 
bad NOW, just wait till this happens. Won't take long after that till you start 
seeing kids not finish middle school.

Healthcare is not a right - So if you can't pay your bill you don't get in the 
ambulance. I know that's not their intention, but that's where it'll end up if 
they get their way. Funny thing about backlash against a political idea like 
Obama's health care: it tends to go way past where you were before.

'Freedom of Religion' does not mean 'freedom from religion' - Yes it does. 
Otherwise law makers can pass laws that everyone has to have Sunday off or that 
you can't sell beer on Sunday or such nonsense as that. Yeah, I know there are 
places with laws like that, but there shouldn't be.

Resist the efforts to create a one world government - Is that really a threat? 
Seriously? Can we maybe think of better ways to spend our effort than refusing 
to cooperate with the UN? They're not going to become a world government any 
time soon. You can barely get the EU to function as a governing body without 
tearing itself apart, let alone the UN. 

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