matter how big the problem is, and no one is saying that it isn't
a big problem, you still cannot violate the rights of others in the process
of trying to solve this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kris Sisk [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 3:20 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: More on AZ

> Why is it ok now to use race as a consideration, when we applaud those 
> who fought this type of bigotry disguised as immigration controls when 
> the immigrants (illeagal and otherwise) where Asian, Irish, Polish, or 
> Italian?  Or do you feel that those previous imagration waves 
> destroyed 
> the United 

Of course not. Most of use wouldn't be here without immigrants. I've got a
fair bit of Irish blood myself. I'm not saying it's OK. I'm just saying how
do we spot the illegal ones? Either we find a way or we just ignore the
problem. Now you can pretend it's not a massive problem all you want but the
fact is that it IS a problem. Frankly if you give me another way to spot
people who shouldn't be here I'll jump on it.

Besides, from what I've read it's only the danger of abuse of the bill that
has people up in arms. Guess what, that danger is there with or without this
bill. It won't change anything. 

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