To some extent I agree, but then we are on the same slippery slope as
moral relativity.

Although everything is relative, some things are relative-er.

And there *are* differences between the parties.

Like the abortion stuff:

Although both Republicans and Democrats promise the moon and then
don't deliver, they promise different moons.

Even if I believe in a farce, it's a farce in the right direction;
towards freedom and personal responsibility.

God is all about giving us the option to do evil, right?  Else what's the point?

:DeN "god hardened heart" Uno

Faith means intense, usually confident, belief that is not based on
evidence sufficient to command assent from every reasonable person.
Walter Kaufmann

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 6:28 PM, Jerry Barnes wrote:
> "So this guy's arguing that "the media" at large is bitching as much about
> lack of access as they did during Bush43?  It doesn't seem to be on that
> scale yet, to me."
> Some are.  As stated before, reporters seem to be an unhappy lot.  Maybe
> they label every administration that comes in as the most secretive.  It
> gives them something to bitch about.
> "And it wasn't 'the media' for me, so much as watching Snow (iirc) be all
> arrogant.  The attitude wasn't just 'screw you, media', it was like 'and you
> too, American public!'."
> I don't think anyone can do the job unless they are condescending.  It's all
> about controlling the spin on the fly.  Not an easy task.  It takes someone
> with the personality of an ass.
> "Doesn't seem like The Media has labeled Obama's administration as the most
> secretive of all time though."
> Helen Thomas has made the accusation.
> "I wonder what's different? Blame The Media?"
> Nothing.  It's politics as usual.  Promise something and do the same damn
> thing everybody else did.

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