>> The DOJ just removed a WWI memorial cross from the desert because it's 
>> public land. Just imagine what it's going to cost to update all the 
>> tombstones in national cemeteries.

>Interesting deal, crosses and the military.

>You know about the fight to get a pagan star vs. a cross, right?

First off...the cross was stolen, not removed by the government.

I can comment about the second statement as I was one of the people deeply
involved in the fight to get the pentagram approved by the VA.  It all
started over 2 decades ago in 1989, when Korean War Vet, and Wiccan Priest,
passed away and his wife filed for his headstone, which is guaranteed to us
as veterans, and petitioned to have the Pentagram approved for Abe's
headstone.  The VA stalled his wife (who, unfortunately, died not long
before the courts ruled against the VA and didn't get to see her husband's
headstone with a pentagram on it...very sad), all the while approving
symbols for several obscure groups like The Aaronic Order, The Native
American Church, Baha'i, Konko-Kyo, Sufism, Tenrikyo, Seicho-no-ie, The
Church of World Messianity, the Moravian Church and Enkankar.  It finally
came to a head with SSG Patrick Stewart, a Wiccan Priest, who died when his
helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan.  His home state of Arizona was
forbidden to put a pentagram on the plaque they made honoring him and the
other soldiers from Arizona that died in Afghanistan  and Iraq.  Arizona had
to remove the original plaque and replace it with one without the Pentagram
on it...even though other plaques with other religious symbols were there.
Several large pagan groups stepped in as well as the ACLU and Americans
United for Separation of Church and State and filed 2 lawsuits against the
VA.  Courts ruled against the VA in both cases thankfully and these soldiers
were able to be putt o rest with their religious symbols on their

The VA wants to have the power to determine what is a frivolous religion and
what is a legitimate religion (guess they forgot about that whole 1st
Amendment thingy...).  They even tried to write that into eh new regulations
regarding religious symbols.  Hel...if you believe that Mr. Potatohead is
the creator of the universe and you want a spud on your headstone...as a
soldier or a veteran, you earned that right...As an American...that right is

We still have yet to test the new regulations as we have to have a vet or
soldier die first before they will even start the approval process (Pretty
stupid if you ask me...they should be a bit more proactive and find out what
symbols they need to approve so that when someone dies, there is no delay in
honoring the greatest of our citizens.


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