On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 4:02 PM, denstar <valliants...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Read it. It was overturned.
> If I read it right only the data-mining stuff was dismissed.  The rest
> stood.  Right?

Probably didn't, read it again and let me know.

> Do you believe in coincidence?  Belafonte was "just" talking about
> Bobby K in that transcript I linked to about Powell.

Belafonte? Dude if you don't stop quoting stupid actors I'm out.

> You're saying we don't need the records.  We should just trust people
> in power not to abuse it.

When did I say that?

>>> So were the ones on MLK, right?
>> Unfortunately.
> Better to know, than to not know, right?

Why would we not know?
>> Most of that happened in the 40's while McCarthy didn't get involved until 
>> 1950.
> You'll notice that I use McCarthy when talking about him specifically
> and McCarthyism when I talk about "The Crucible" and "Red Scares",
> etc..
> But anyways, read this Leftest Propaganda:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_blacklist

Sucks to be him. He read one speech he didn't even want to and he gets
branded with the decade old issue. His name is forever a tarnished.

>> Nobody died. Nobody went to jail. All that happened in the 40's.
> Late 40s to late 50s for the most part, for that "scare".
> I'm sure no witches were harmed as a result of the hunts, either.
> Are you for real?  I'm not quite sure when you're joking sometimes.  ;)

19 died in Salem, zero died from McCarthyism. Over 100 million died
from communism. No joke.

>> We just finished two world wars, China flipped and the USSR and China
>> had the bomb thanks to spies. It was scary times and all real threats.
> It's always scary times, isn't it?  With real threats?

A lot of people died.

> Some seem more eager than others to turn that to their advantage.

You think maybe they did that to get us into WWII?

> Sam, am I tripping, or have you been a supporter of the "if you are
> not doing anything wrong you've nothing to fear" meme?

You're tripping. That's not even a real argument, never heard about
except from folks like you.

>>> So now it's like, way worse than ever.  The back scratching, that is.
>>> Before it wasn't so bad, but now, now we should revolt?  Because of
>>> health care, specifically?
>> Right back at ya.
> Yes, I can see how this bill is "worse" than the Patriot Act was for America.

Patriot act was back scratching? Back at you would imply back
scratching now is nothing compared to what it was.

> And you really believe that, don't you?  That this health care bill is
> un-American?

How many times to we need to go over this. Tell me who called you
un-patriotic and I'll handle it. I have some union friends.

>>> Not out of control spending in general, but health care?  Because it's
>>> "socialist"?
>> Because it's corrupt.
> I thought we agreed that politicians are corrupt.  The system is broken, etc..

Do you want to dance?

> Health care, specifically this stuff that the ink literally isn't even
> dry on, is the big corruption we should be fighting?

Hell yes! I thought you'd never snap out of i:) All the public
flaunting of back room deals, all hours of the night. The Louisiana
Purchase, the Corn Huskers kick back. So much illegal activity to buy
votes. It's about time you opened your eyes to it. This shit didn't
happen during the last admin.

> Look, I don't care if we die broke, so long as we die American, if
> that makes any sense.


> Unless you're implying that politicians are rank, but Bush43 didn't
> smell.  Which would make your head hurt.  Unless you didn't consider
> Bush43 a politician!  Is that it?

Bush was bad because he's evil, Obama is bad because he's a politician
so he gets a pass?

> Anyways, I used to hate apple, with a passion.

Such a strong word.

>> But they are. All the backscratching you complain about is morally
>> wrong and ethically illegal.
> Anyways, we don't really care, we've covered that.  Both of our
> "causes" are screwed, because people just don't fucking care.  Me
> included.

No you don't care but how many times have you ranted about Haliburton?

> I'm talking about information here, really.  If you think you can keep
> your kid from getting informed, or control what she takes in, you are
> sadly mistaken, I can tell you that much right now.

Age appropriate. Hearing things on the street and getting instructions
from school are not the same. The C part of you're instructions comes
later, not need to get graphic at such a young age.

> Not telling them about sex won't prevent them from knowing, and in
> some cases, experiencing.

Now your talking about older kids again.

> Don't you remember being a kid?  Did you ever "play doctor"?  I won't
> ask when... but how old were you? ;)

I still play.

>> PP does offer a valuable service but it also offers a very dishonest
>> one. A few bad apples maybe...
> You are specifically referring to abortion here, right?

So many things they do wrong here's just one:
Life Dynamics said one of its activists has called more than 800
abortion clinics nationwide in recent months, pretending to be a
13-year-old girl impregnated by her 22-year-old boyfriend. What she
learned is that more than 90 percent of the clinic employees handling
the calls said they would conceal the information provided by the
caller, according to Life Dynamics president Mark Crutcher.

> Calling it dishonest is like, giving emotion to a inanimate object.
> The rock is happy.  My chair is honest.  It smells like the color
> purple.

Did you just take another hit?

> It was like your "educators are happy when there are no jobs" comment.

Not the individual educators. The advertising agencies, the
institutions like University of Pheonix tend to earn more when people
can be sold on more education = job.

>> I;m not against abortions, I'm against promoting abortion as a method
>> of birth control. You should too since you want to teach younguns
>> about condoms.
> Who cares, so long as we cut down on the babies, right?  The world is
> about to fucking end, Sam!

Who said the world is ending?

> And all because of health care.  How apropos.

Ah, you mean the world as we know, leaders of the free world and all
that. We'll be fine with Germany calling the shots, oh wait, that plan
seems to be failing too. Well there's the Chinese and the Russians
left to make the important decisions like who's side to take with NK,
Iran and Israel. Speaking of McCarthyism :)

>>>> Who died from abstinence only education? You mean the twelve-year-old
>>> Are you arguing with the data?  Is that too, a grand conspiracy?
>> I haven't seen data, you got?
> HIV/AIDS statistics from Africa, and India, I think.  Sorta like that
> deal Judah was talking about with the insurance lotto, data like that.

Aids killed people in Africa because we didn't teach our 12 year-old's
how to condom a cuke? Do you change the subject for fun or because
your flustered :)
BTW, they say GWB saved 10 million people in Africa from aids. Bet you
didn't want to know that tidbit of info.

> Imagine how inhumane it would be to equip one group with knowledge,
> and tell the other one, "just don't do it", and see who fared better,
> neh?

Did I mention that sex-ed changes as they get older? I think they only
teach AO to kids twelve and younger.

>> Only for the age group it targeted.
> When do we start equipping our children for life?

Who decides?

> There are really people out there who are dumb enough to think that
> telling the kids to "wait" is enough.  I don't think you're one of
> them, but you defend them for some reason.  I'm not sure why.  Why?

Again it's about the age. After twelve sex-ed changes.

> Should we avoid teaching that the earth is round-ish, in case some
> children aren't married?  Sounds silly and non-sensical, neh?  =)p

Maybe someone sprinkled angel dust in your blunt

>> My point is nobody checked on Obama, yet you're happy. You shouldn't be.
> Your definition of nobody is weird.  Aren't you all up on his jock?

Me on HOF? That will do a lot of good. How about the MSM? Isn't it
there job to tell us these things?

> I heard he wasn't really even born in America.

You'll never know because we we can't look at the docs. Didn't you
just say something like that?

>> Don't back up to fast you might trip :)
> Not /that/ kind of link.  A personal check to Bin Laden from a Saudi
> Prince with the note: "to kill infidels".  Give me a break.  =)

You know the Saudi Royal Family is behind 9/11 but you can't prove it
and you're angry we don't go to war against them. Is that right?

> Why would I think the Saudis "need some work"?  They're not alone, IMO
> there were several better places to throw our weight than Iraq.

Like SA? Because of the link? Saddam brought that war on himself, and
Iraq is better off for it. That is unless we pull all the troops out
and Iran marches in. Then it would have been a huge waste.

> You don't think Iraq was the best move, do you?

The best? That decision is above my pay grade. I don't see the problem
with it that you do.

> Yes, I'm not sure where that came from either.  Something like feeling
> responsible for harm your countrymen do in the name of the country or
> something.  Gah.  It's kind of hard to explain.  If everyone had
> religion separate from government, it would be easier to explain.
> Some places still mix the two tho.  To each their own... but yuck.

I'm not following, are you into the whole "Weatherman were freedom
fighters" crap?

>> Why do you not like Kennedy's plan? Because Bush signed it?
> Same reason you don't like Health Care.  It can be fixed tho.  We can hone it.

Wasn't NCLB bi-partisan?

> Sure, that would have worked.  Who would have thought that we'd have a
> S&L.... oh.... yeah...

Funny how that worked out, and the GOP got the blame just like the
play book said.

>>> That is what we need to focus on.  Screw this defeatist attitude.
>>> Health care reform is a damn-sight better goal than invading Iraq.
>> A nation is saved, a nation destroyed. Which is which?
> War is hell.

Sometimes it's a necessary hell.

> And if it's about saving people, what about Darfur, etc.?

You changing subjects again? What about Darfur. So now we're back to
molding the reasons for the war so you can argue against those points?
Been there...

> It's a cycle, it appears.  Odd that you can justify massive debt to
> help others because of abstract principles, but when it's for "us"
> because of concrete reasons... REVOLT!

We're back to Health Care fantasy land again? Yeah yeah, if you're
against Obama's health care plan you probably kill kittens too.

Threat of deadly force vs threat of rationed care. I'll put my money
on the former.

> The Tee Party does seem pretty organized for true grass roots, don't
> you think?  Sorta Obama vs. Dean deal.  Dean's being more "natural"
> IMO.

You're so Hollywood. Ordinary people with homemade signs bitching
isn't convincing. But people bussed in with professionally printed
signs seems more real to you?

> Can you imagine the Democrats saying "we will use the protesters
> ""platform"" to form our own"?

Axelrod or was it Emanual created astroturfing. Yeah it's a democrat
thing. How do you think a black nobody became the president?

> I wasn't trying to.  I thought that's how the theory worked.  That
> people are naturally altruistic, we don't really need taxes or
> regulation and whathave you.  It is in the powers that be's best
> interest to "bring up" those beneath.

That's out there.

> He seems like a rabble rouser.  I like their agenda.  I lament the
> lack of it from the Tea Party.  Too bad they got stuck on a "side" (or
> the side stuck to them).

So he want's to be a leader. Sometimes people honestly care, I'm not
getting that from him.

>> Why would you think that? Why don't you ask them rather than Hightower?
> Heh.  I looked.  The number 1 goal is supposed to be:
> "Identify constitutionality of every new law"
> Funny how I thought the whole deal was about health care.  Poor
> bastards, that seems like a good list (the percent is the number of
> votes for each issue):

So the problem with the grassroots movement is they couldn't get you
to read there message? I think that 's your problem, you judged or
were told incorrectly.

> Heh.  The constitution.  Awesome.

Ain't it?

>> You mixed in with pork like it was all useless.
> We spend most of our money on defense, right?

I'm sure there's waste to be cut like $2000 hammers someplace but you
don't just cut something because it's big. Especially the safety of
the world depends on it. I know you're thinking we have no business
protecting Poland from Russia, but I do.

>> Again with the something, no matter how awful, is better than the
>> system most people were satisfied with?
> So most people were satisfied with the existing system now?  Or did
> 70% or whatever number you quoted earlier want reform (just not "this"
> reform, you said)?

They were satisfied with their insurance and health care, but see room
for improvements.

> Which is it?  Do we want and need it, or were things fine as they were?

Let's say you like your house but would think it would e helpful to
have another bathroom. Do you add an extension or do you knock the
house down and start over?

>> Obama, and his actions have stalled the recovery, health care was the icing.
> You must be smarter than I, to know so much about economics.  Lots of
> people tell me it's not that complicated, but I don't buy it.  Heck,
> even easy stuff like "supply and demand" trips me out sometimes.

Playing safe? You're right, nobody can ever know what directly effects
the economy, we can only guess. So Obama's actions get a pass.

>> Treading water? Is that what happens if you don't get a raise every
>> year you drown? Maybe you're not saving
> Is the cost of living a constant in your world or what?
> And I, personally, /was/ saving- the little bit that I could, but
> medical crap wiped that out but quick (and it took so long to build it
> up! boohoo), so now I need a new job or else I'll continue to slide
> further into debt.  I don't like not having enough money.  I have only
> my own lack of initiative to blame, coupled with a fear of change
> (even tho I like change).

Are you living beyond your means? Have to have all the latest gadgets?
Drive a silly Prius? Large screen tv? $10,000 worth of music in your
iTunes account? Vacation often?
I make double the money many of my neighbors make but you'd never know
it by the cars they drive, the hot tubs, built in pools, iphones for
all the kids, jewelery etc. Amazing how flashy people without a lot of
money are. They all went bankrupt, the flashy ones, and carry on the
same. Bragging about who wrote of the most money.

> If I can't get a better job, even just slightly better, I'm not going
> to blame anyone (or thing) but myself.  But I'm strong like that.  I
> feel like I can affect the world in amazing ways.  That an individual
> can be a game changer, yadda yadda.

If you're salary doubled you'd still be treading water, it's a mind
set you need to snap out of.

> When I'll actually realize this awesome potential is anyone's guess,
> if ever... I'll settle for a wonderful life if I have to. ;)
> Anyways, to blam Obama for the current mess is more silly than blaming Bush43.

Obama didn't cause the current mess nor did Bush. Obama, with his lack
of leadership experience, has done everything wrong to fi

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