I like guns. I also support reasonable restrictions on the ability of
people to have them. The problem is coming up with a definition of
"reasonable". The NRA makes me want to kick them in the nuts. They are
anything but reasonable. On the other hand, I support things like open
carry, which a lot of people don't think is reasonable. Not an easy,
obvious issue.


On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 8:49 PM, Zaphod Beeblebrox
<zaph0d.b33bl3b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've got the Remington 870 Express.  It's nice and loud when you're cocking
> it.  Still thinking of getting a pistol for my wife though.  She's afraid of
> the shotgun and doesn't even want to attempt shooting it.  Can't say that I
> blame her since it does have quite the kick.  It's not near as smooth as my
> friends Bernelli Supersport.
> Oh, and yes, I'm considered as a liberal by most in Texas.  And yes, I am in
> favor of tighter gun regulation...or at least enforcing and closing the
> loopholes that exi

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