The Obama DOJ could have still prosecuted the civil case. It was not
dropped prior to the Obama administration, it was downgraded from a
criminal inquiry to a civil inquiry. I disagree with the notion that
the fact that it was downgraded was irrelevant, especially as it is an
inconvenient detail that the folks on the Fox channel seem to always
gloss over. But downgrading the case is not the same thing as dropping

As far as I am aware, however, there is still not a voter from the
polling place who is claiming intimidation. If you want to claim voter
intimidation, you pretty much have to have to have a voter that is
intimidated, don't you? Thus far all I've seen is Republican
operatives claiming that black people are scary. I don't like the New
Black Panther party and I'd love to see them smacked down just like I
want to see the Klan smacked down. But you do kind of need actual
facts and a case. Well, you do in this administration at this time at
least and that is a good thing even if it isn't universal.


On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 10:37 PM, Eric Roberts
<> wrote:
> What a load of bullshit...
> Lets dropped before Obama got into office, yet it is still
> Obama's fault that this didn't get prosecuted?  Fucking please

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