Shoot the messenger?

So when Obama makes a recess appointment it's because the GOP are
obstructionists, when Bush does it it's because the Dems are smart?

On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 2:08 AM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:
> HAHAHAHA...I just read that Sam linked to a NRO article by von
> Spakovsky. Dear lord, that is rich. That is the man who was most
> responsible for voter intimidation and suppression efforts in the Bush
> administration, to the point where he not only was put in place via
> recess appointment, his subsequent renomination was opposed by the
> entire staff of the civil rights division of the DOJ where he served.
> I guess that if there was going to be an authority on voter
> intimidation, election rigging and injecting partisan political
> hackery into an electoral process, Hans von Spakovsky would be it.

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