On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 2:43 PM, Larry C. Lyons <larrycly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sam there are times your vision is so blinkered that I seriously
> wonder why you even bother.

I'm trying to teach you.
I know, I know.
Most people would have given up by now.
I won't give up on you Larry.

> The point is that the WT has been known for letting its editorial
> policies bleed into the reporting. That article you cited is an
> example of such.

Facts are facts no matter who writes them down.

> I think the facts on this case speak for themselves. First the
> complainant was not a registered voter in the district.

He was a registered observer doing his job. His job was to report
voter intimidation and he did.

> Second, the lawyer J. Christian Adams who is at the center of this
> case has an ax to grind. Since he was a Bush appointee to the DOJ and
> is a strong conservative activist, even you ought to see that.

In your mind no lawyers from the Bush admin are valid. That's a stupid point.

> Third, to quote part of the article I mentioned earlier:
> --
> Abigail Thernstrom, a commission member and a senior fellow at the
> conservative Manhattan Institute, called it "small potatoes" and said
> conservatives should pursue more important issues against the Obama
> administration. The case, she pointed out, invokes a narrow and rarely
> used provision of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which has been used
> successfully to prosecute only three times since its passage.

One person saying we have bigger issues doesn't mean squat.

> Thernstrom said that she did not find Adams's testimony convincing and
> that the facts of the case raised doubts in her mind, noting that the
> Black Panthers were standing in front of a majority-black precinct
> that had voted overwhelmingly for Democrats in previous elections --
> not a prime spot for intimidating white voters.

What if it was a cracker with a stick intimidating blacks in a mostly
white area?
Is that really your defense for accepting this kind of behavior?

> so who is being blind to the facts?

You haven't presented any facts, just one persons opinion. Since that
person is conservative and you automatically dismiss all conservative
opinions I'm thinking you're out on the edge with this one.

> You know Sam you are one of those who never lets the facts get in the
> way of a nice bit of political hysteria.

That's funny, I'm discussing facts of the case and your talking about Rev Moon.

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